[Davis Democrats] Support Needed for Legal Effort Defense of Ohio Recount-read attachment--Kerry campaign joining

John Chendo jac07 at dcn.org
Sun Dec 5 21:51:41 PST 2004

From: "Oren Sellstrom" <osellstrom at lccr.com>
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2004 10:46:46 -0800
To: "John Chendo \(E-mail\)" <jac07 at dcn.org>
Subject: FW: [evapaterson] Support Needed for Legal Effort Defense of Ohio

-----Original Message-----
From: EJPRAVEN at aol.com [mailto:EJPRAVEN at aol.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 5:06 PM
To: evapaterson at yahoogroups.com; wjoy at harbornet.com; trbj at umich.edu;
BMaco3 at aol.com; thiland1 at copper.net; lydap at earthlink.net; EChen117 at aol.com;
PAJURIST at aol.com; Darwod1 at aol.com; Willie.Blair at mail.house.gov;
mybutterbean at hotmail.com; thomgray at earthlink.net; llanquist at earthlink.net;
hoopster33 at hotmail.com; billwick at ww-envlaw.com; giniawd at comcast.net;
conniej at umsl.edu; CCrane4537 at aol.com; Micki98226 at aol.com; Maria Blanco;
Robert Rubin; MHarris at aclunc.org; Michael Harris; Chhaya Malik
Subject: [evapaterson] Support Needed for Legal Effort Defense of Ohio

From: "John Bonifaz \(NVRI\)" <jbonifaz at nvri.org>
Reply-To: <jbonifaz at nvri.org>
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2004 11:43:40 -0800
To: <EJPRAVEN at aol.com>
Cc: <scg at nvri.org>
Subject: can you circulate this?

Hi Eva, 

NVRI is issuing the attached letter today urging support of our legal
defense of the recount effort in Ohio.  If possible, it would be fantastic
if you could circulate this to your list.

Thanks, Eva, for considering this and keep on!


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