[Davis Democrats] 1 Week Reminder Davis Democrat Club board meeting on November 8th

G Richard Yamagata PhD yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Mon Nov 1 17:06:06 PST 2004

This e-mail is from the Davis Democrat Club e-mailing list.

Greetings all,
I know that all of you will be voting or have voted already.  Go Kerry/Edwards!

There will be an election day party, tomorrow, 
Tuesday, November 2, 7pm at 
Cantina del Cabo, 
139 G Street, Davis 


This e-mail is to announce that there will be Davis a Democrat Club Board
meeting in one week.  I will send out an e-mail on Wednesday or Thursday of
this week as to the place.

DDC Board Meeting
Time: 7 PM to 8:04 PM
Place: TBA

Preliminary Agenda -- this is only a preliminary agenda.  The agenda will
change as it is worked on by the President and Vice President.  There is a
note about the December DDC meeting at the bottom of this e-mail.

        Davis Democratic Club Meeting Agenda 
                November 8, 7 pm - 8pm
     Place TBA

I.  Introduction   (8 minutes -- usually takes 2 minutes)
        i.	Approval of Agenda
        ii.	Approval of Minutes for past meetings 
                ( http://yvm.net/vme/democrats/min0409.htm )
        iii.	Minutes from other clubs and campus Democrats 
                (usually no one shows up from these groups)

II.  Treasurer's Report     (4 minutes)

III. Campaign 2004 (15 minutes)
        i.	Closing headquarters report and comments.
        ii.     Yolo Beat Bush report and comments.

IV.  The DDC Holiday Party (10 minutes)
        i.	Report from chairs on this event
        ii.	Additional planning and requests

V.   The Winter General Meetings in January and February (7 minutes)
        i.	Report on last year's event
        ii.	Appointment of chairs for 2005 Winter events.

VI.  Content of the Next Newsletter (6 minutes)
        i.	Update by Current Editor
        ii.	Story ideas

VII.  New and Unfinished Business (12 minutes)
        i.	New items
        ii.	Announcements
        iii.	Next Meeting Time/Location
        iv.	Meeting adjournment

Time:  62 minutes

There has been some talk of paring down the Davis Democrat Club board.  From
the list of people that I have that have been expending their energies on
2004 campaign activities, the people that have been showing up to the board
meetings match those that are extremely active in the community -- about 20
people.  The average attendance of a board meeting has been 20 people with 2
additional guests per meeting for a total of 22 people.  We currently have
26 Board member and there is talk of adding at least one more member.  This
agenda item will need to be discussed and should be done in December, when
we have the Blanchard room reserved.  Betty Weir insisted that we need to
contact Rick Vulliet before we remove him from the DDC Board.  If anyone
knows his e-mail address or can contact him here in Davis or at his
residence in Hawaii, please contact him and let him know that we will be
discussing removing him from the DDC board in December.  There were no other
objections to the other two inactive names that will be removed in December.
The DDC bylaws state that a person that misses 3 meeting in a row will be
removed from the board.  The people that were identified by Betty have not
attended a board meeting in at least 3 years.  There will be talk of paring
down the board to a number where we can meet in the homes of board members.
All of this is for the December meeting.

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