[Davis Democrats] Davis Democrat Club board meeting on December 6

G Richard Yamagata PhD yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Tue Nov 16 19:21:21 PST 2004

Greetings Davis Democrat Club Boardmembers,

Three Week Notice.
There will be a Davis Democrat Club board meeting on Monday, December 6th at
7PM in the Blanchard Room of the Davis Branch of the Yolo County Library.
The address is 315 East 14th Street.

Please note that any Davis Democrat Club member is welcome to attend the
meetings.  We normally have at least 1 to 2 guests per meeting.  We have
never had a meeting without someone from the public in attendance.

Boardmembers need to come to this meeting.  We will be voting to remove from
our large board roster, people that have not attended meetings for over two
years.  We are trying to trim the board to 22 members.  The club by-laws say
that people cannot miss 3 meetings in a row without an excuse.  

Other items on the agenda are fundraising and organization for the coming
year, 2005.  An item that was not discussed, but needs to be discussed is
the Winter general meeting that we have each year in either January,
February or March.  Some years we have had up to 3 of these, one each month
and in other years we have only had one general meeting.  

That is all for now.  I will e-mail once I have the minutes posted for the
November 8th meeting.  Please visit the web site for the old minutes.  We
need to approve the August and September minutes at the next meeting.

The following is the list of DDC board members:
Tony Gruska             
Rhonda Gruska           
Kingsley Melton         
Betty Weir              
G Richard Yamagata      
Barbara Slemmons        
Bob Bockwinkel          
Stephen Souza          
Rita Martin             
Dan Kehew              
Adrienne Kandell        
Anaïs Vayssières        
John Chendo             
Lyle Smith              
Pam Nieberg             
Arun Sen               
Mary Lou Hernandez      
Scott Lay               
Jerry Lester          
Jim Pollock             
Susan Peter-Thompson   
Max Rothe              
Julia Sanchez         
Mike Syvanen            
Joyce Wilson          

The following board members have not attended a board meeting in 4 years.
Rick Vulliet                  
Chris Blanchard               
Vonnie Crutchfield                              

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