[Davis Democrats] Oops, we had a meeting last night, didn't we.

Adrienne Kandel Adrienne at dcn.org
Thu Jan 13 10:24:33 PST 2005

Sorry I missed it.  Here are my formal excuses for missing the meetings this
fall and now:

This fall:  I was teaching a class at UCD for the first time, and did not
have the time.  I informally offered to resign but Tony suggested it was
okay to hang on since I'd be available afterwards to volunteer again.

Yesterday:  I forgot.  Also, I'm real busy working day and night on a
project for work that I largely put off while I was teaching, and is due in
a few days.  So had I remembered, I'm not sure I would have come.  This is
the once a year, mandated by law, energy forecast (my part of it), not
something I can choose to avoid.

Up to you folks whether you keep me on the Board or not.

Also, Anais is now 18 but not living in Davis, except during next summer (I
hope), so you needn't list her as on the Board and absent.

Adrienne Kandel

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