[Davis Democrats] Fwd: Dems Meeting Location

Rhonda Anthony Gruska rjgruska at pacbell.net
Thu Mar 31 12:17:40 PST 2005

Lyle Smith <lyleasmith at yahoo.com> wrote:Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 07:40:43 -0800 (PST)
From: Lyle Smith <lyleasmith at yahoo.com>
Subject: Dems Meeting Location
To: Tony and Rhonda Gruska <rjgruska at pacbell.net>

I have the clubhouse reserved for the Davis Democratic Club meeting next Tuesday. 
Date: Tuesday, 5 April
Time: 7 - 8 PM
Loction: Cranbrook Apartment Clubhouse
Address: 955 Cranbrook Court (One block south of J & Covell)

Keep hope alive!

Lyle Smith
530-795-9921 hm
530-902-3205 cell

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