[Davis Democrats] Treason's Greetings party celebrating Karl Rove indictment

G Richard Yamagata PhD yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Thu Oct 27 13:56:27 PDT 2005

Greetings Davis Democrat Club list members,

This is an announcement to a party celebrating a mile stone event, the
indictment of Karl Rove on October 28, 2005.  The theme is "Treason's
Greetings."  The party is being thrown together at almost the last minute by
Davis Democrat Club Board members:  John Chendo, Lyle Smith and Mike
Syvanen.  I also heartily support the idea for this party.  This is not a
Davis Democrat Club function or event, but something close to the heart of
all liberals, progressives and Democrats.

This party is for all of those out there that kept saying:  "This man is

Please stay tuned for details as they are announced.  The event will be
tomorrow evening, Friday, October 28.  The place and time for the event are
"to be announced."  I will try to post an e-mail here as soon as I find out
the details.

You can visit the web site:  http://yvm.net/vme/democrats/ for details as
they develop.

You can also visit the site and pick up the graphic image for this event to
print out and distribute.  Under the picture, if you click on it is a larger
image.  The images is easier to capture into your computer if you use
Netscape or Mozilla FireFox.

Take care,


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