[Davis Democrats] 7 Day Notice -- Agenda for Davis Democrat Club Board Meeting on Tuesday August 8

G Richard Yamagata PhD yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Wed Aug 2 04:32:47 PDT 2006

This is the preliminary agenda for the Davis Democrat Club Board Meeting.
If you received your DDC board member folder, PLEASE BRING YOUR FOLDER TO

This meeting will be held from 7PM to 8:54PM.  This is a full meeting
agenda.  If you can cut down the agenda, please send suggestions, but
because we did not have a July meeting, things have once again stacked up
and there are items of urgency.  If you wish to submit an item to agenda of
the Board Meeting, please contact Arun Sen, John Chendo or Tony Gruska or
bring your item to the meeting -- but we may not be able to get to it at
this meeting, due to lack of time.  We must vacate the room by 9PM and this
includes putting away of tables and chairs.  If you have an agenda item,
something must be removed from this agenda, which will be an executive
decision between Arun Sen, Tony Gruska and John Chendo. This is the
preliminary agenda and it may change before the meeting only with approval
by Arun Sen, John Chendo and Tony Gruska.  I will send a final agenda notice
on or about August 5th.

Please note that all Davis Democrat Club members are welcome to attend the
board meeting.  Usually, we have several guests, both members and
non-members, at these meetings.

Davis Democrat Club Board Meeting on Tuesday August 8

             Davis Democratic Club Meeting Agenda 
                Tuesday, August 8, 7 pm - 8:54 pm 
     Place: Blanchard Room of the Davis Branch of the Yolo County Library.  
                     315 East 14th Street.

The meeting could be moved to the conference room in the library.

I.  Introduction and political joke (18 minutes)
        i.    Approval of Agenda  
        ii.   Approval of Minutes for past meetings as they are submitted 
              (Minutes from June Meeting and July General Meeting.)  
               These minutes have yet to be sent out for the meeting and 
               have been sent out for the General meeting.
        iii.  Comments and issues from the Public and general members.
              a. Expected resolution from Dan Berman endorsing SMUD
              b. From public for unscheduled presentations.
        iv.   Minutes and reports from other clubs and campus Democrats
              a. Specific report from the Woodland Club, Lyle S.
              b. Report from Yolo County Young Democrats, Lyle or Rich.
              c. Report from UCDavis Campus Democrats, Unknown.
              d. Report on the President's activities for the club, Tony G.
                 and/or Arun Sen.
              e. Report on the July meeting of the YCDCC 
                 (Yolo County Democratic Central Committee.

II.  Treasurer's Report (1 minutes)

III. Discussion of the July 4th Booth (10 minutes)
        0.   New DDC board handbook unveiled
              1. Who is paying for this to be done
              2. Attendence book and separate sign-in sheet
        i.   How much money was made? (Was it worth having baked items at
             (How many people came for political information?)
        ii.  What went right.
        iii. What went wrong.

IV. Discussion of the June Champagne Brunch (10 minutes)
        i.   What went right.
        ii.  What went wrong.

V. Discussion of the July 11 general meeting (10 minutes)
        i.   What went right.
        ii.  What went wrong.

VI. Ice Cream Social (15 minutes)
        i.   Historical Perspective of this event.
        ii.  Chair of event is Jerry Kaneko represented by G Richard Yamagata 
             at Board Meeting.  We need a timekeeper.
        iii. Assignment of who will bring what to event
             (Last year, there were no bowls and plastic spoons!)
             (ice cream, toppings, other sundry food items)
             (insect repellent bucket candles, other suggestions)
        iv.  Definitive nailing down of start time of event.
             (Jerry Kaneko wants this to start early, 6PM, so that we avoid
the dark).
             6PM Start.  6:30PM Soapbox

VII.  Interrim Publicity Officer, publicity for Ice Cream Social (5 minutes)

VIII. Continued Selection of new parlimentarian -- Progress Report (5 minutes)

IX.   Democratic booth for the Yolo County Fair (10 minutes)
        i.   Volunteer for set-up -- who to contact
        ii.  Sign-up for volunteering -- what day is Davis' and who to contact
        iii. Volunteer for take-down -- who to contact

X.     Campaign/Election HQ space (15 minutes)
        i.   Woodland Headquarters and funding
        ii.  Davis Headquarters and funding by DDC
        iii. Staffing, location and time span of Davis Headquarters.

XI.    Annual Fall Barbeque (5 minutes)
        i.   Report on last years Fall event and 2004 Barbeque at headquarters
        ii.  Date for Event              
        iii. Selection of Chair, volunteers, food and beverage

XII.   Content of the Next Newsletter (10 minutes)
        i.   Circulation -- is everyone happy?
        ii.  Status of newsletter editor (has new full time job)
        iii.  Update by newsletter committee
        iv. Volunteer tasks
        v.  Story ideas

XIII.  Board examination of proposed resolution for support of SMUD in Davis
(5 minutes)
        i.   Wording of Resolution (time may not allow this to take place)
        ii.  Voting on acceptence by Board (not predicted to take place at
this meeting)
        iii. Decision by the board to send or not to sent the resolution 
             to the general membership. (not predicted to take place at this

XIV. New and Unfinished Business (5 minutes)
        i.   Unfinished business items from past meetings.
        ii.  Items for next meeting  
        iii. Announcements- upcoming events 
        iv. Next Meeting Time/Location 
        v.  Meeting adjournment

Time:  1 hour 54 minutes

All times are approximate and only placed to help keep meeting on track, so
meeting can end by 8:54 PM.  

G Richard Yamagata  PhD
CEO/President   VME Inc.   http://www.vme.net/

G Richard Yamagata is a member of the Davis Community Network Board of 
Directors, a member of the board of the Business Link of Woodland and Davis,
Secretary of the Board of Directors for the Davis Democrat Club, President 
of the board of Virtual Market Enterprises, Inc, Secretary-Treasurer 
of the board of the Davis Progressive Business Exchange and communications 
liason of the Independent Order of Oddfellows Chapter 169.

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The thoughts expressed are my own and do not reflect the policies or opinions

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