[Davis Democrats] Help Preserve The Heart Of Democracy--from Jerry McNerney, new Dem. member of Congress

John Chendo jac07 at dcn.org
Mon Dec 4 15:37:25 PST 2006

------ Forwarded Message
From: "Jerry McNerney, McNerney for Congress" <info at jerrymcnerney.org>
Reply-To: <info at jerrymcnerney.org>
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2006 17:16:40 -0500 (EST)
To: <jac07 at dcn.org>
Subject: Help Preserve The Heart Of Democracy

        Hello,   Many of you have heard me tell the story of how I used my
home equity to pay for the re-count of my write-in campaign against Richard
Pombo in 2004. That recount resulted in me winning the Democratic nomination
by ONE vote. Well, it has been nearly four weeks since the midterm elections
and we all have had a chance to rest, but there is still a race yet to be
decided that reminds me of the importance of one vote. And it's also an
unfortunate example of the importance of election integrity.  Democrat
Christine Jennings is locked in a tough battle to determine the next
representative of Florida's 13th Congressional district and she needs our
help making sure every vote counts. CAN YOU CONTRIBUTE NOW TO MAKE SURE
p%3A%2F%2Fwww.actblue.com%2Fpage%2Frecount>  In Christine's home of Sarasota
County, election officials have maintained that an astounding 18,000 voters
simply did not vote in her Congressional race - - a 14% "undervote" that is
six times higher than the undervote rate in the rest of the district. You
don't need a Ph.D. in Math to know this is a statistical aberration, and
combined with numerous reports of voters who said they voted for Jennings
but didn't see this choice registered on their voting summary, makes it
clear that a new election or re- vote is the only solution. PLEASE HELP
p%3A%2F%2Fwww.actblue.com%2Fpage%2Frecount>  Jennings needs to pay for a
legal team, voting machine experts, and maintain a full staff while they
work to ensure that every vote is counted. They also must prepare to mount a
strong campaign if a judge orders a re-vote. These efforts will cost money,
an estimated $1,000,000. No winner has been declared yet, and at this point,
p%3A%2F%2Fwww.actblue.com%2Fpage%2Frecount>  The FL-13 Recount Fund is a
joint account supported by the Florida Democratic Party.  That means you are
able to make a personal donation of any amount up to $12,100.  Your donation
will not count toward the federal limit.  Any amount you can give today will
be truly appreciated -- and it will help protect our fundamental right to a
free and fair election.  You can contribute by donating securely online at:
http:// www.actblue.com/page/recount.

Jerry McNerney 
Congressman-Elect CA-11

ps. For information about our upcoming holiday parties please click here
p%3A%2F%2Fwww.jerrymcnerney%2Forg%2Fholiday06> .

    email: info at jerrymcnerney.org
    phone: 925-833-0643
    web: http://www.JerryMcNerney.org


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McNerney for Congress | P.O. Box 12022 | Pleasanton | CA | 94588

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