[Davis Democrats] Tomorrow March 29 Social/mixer -- attend and win free gifts.

G Richard Yamagata PhD yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Tue Mar 28 17:33:34 PST 2006

Greetings Democrats,

Before I go on about the free event tomorrow evening, please note that on
April 7, 8, and 9, the Varsity Theater is showing its first indie film.  The
numbers recorded for this weekend will deterimine if Davis will be high on
the list for first run distribution of these films.  I am told that April 7
is already sold out.  Please try to attend on the 8th or 9th and support
first run independent film viewing in Davis.  You would be supporting the
viewing in Davis of first run documentries (like Michael Moore's first two
films), foreign films, and independent films.

The 2nd Bi-Annual Progressive Business Faire at the Cantina Del Cabo

        The first 100 attendees through the door will receive a heavy duty,
blue canvas tote bag to take home.  You can use this to shop at the Davis
Farmer's Market, over and over again.  There will also be raffles going on
through the evening with gift certificates and items from the Progressive
Business Exchange members.  Items that I am aware of are a number of DVD
movies, two tickets to the Red Cross Heart of the Home Tour ($50 value),
progressive books from the collection of Bob Bockwinkel, and more.  This
event is Free to the General Public!

        The Progressive Business Exchange of Davis is a group of truly Blue
businessmen and organizations with a green agenda for Yolo County.  Come
join us for an evening of fun and gifts!

	You are cordially invited to the second bi-annual Davis Progressive
Business Exchange social/mixer/business fair.  Please join us for food,
light refreshment and entertainment for the whole family with Dilly-Dally
the Clown making custom balloon creations and Anne Evans of KDRT and DCTV
will be interviewing people in the audience and business at their booths for
her radio and TV shows.  

        This is our second bi-annual event.  At our last event, back in
October 2005, there were over 100 people that came to see our businesses and
individuals that set up tables.  Last time, there were 38 businesses that
set-up tables at the event.  We expect to have about 32 tables tomorrow.

	The event is on March 29, 2005 from 5 PM to 7PM at the Cantina Del Cabo.
This is located a half block away from the Davis AmTrack Train Depot and the
address is: Cantina del Cabo, 138 G Street, downtown Davis, CA 95616.  For
those that plan to have a table to display their business, they need to
arrive at 4:30PM.  The cost of a table for non-member of the ProBizExchange
is $20.  

        We have 23 host members of this organization (DBA ProBizExchange)
who would like to see you at this event.  The major sponsors of this event
are:  Tom Lovering, Owner/Manager, Cantina Del Cabo, Terry Ramm, Vice
President,  First Northern Bank of Davis;  G Richard Yamagata, PhD,
CEO/President, VME, Inc. web hosting and design; Mike Jansen, Law Offices of
Michael W Jansen; and Chim Patel of The UPS Store of Davis.

        For further information about the event and tabling information,
call Richard at 848-8634 or e-mail him at yamagata at virtual-markets.net  You
can find our web site at http://probizexchange.org

                                G Richard Yamagata 
                                Davis Progressive Business Exchange
G Richard Yamagata  PhD
CEO/President   VME Inc.   http://www.vme.net/

G Richard Yamagata is a member of the Davis Community Network Board of 
Directors, a member of the board of the Business Link of Woodland and Davis,
Secretary of the Board of Directors for the Davis Democrat Club, President 
of the board of Virtual Market Enterprises, Inc, Secretary-Treasurer 
of the board of the Davis Progressive Business Exchange and communications 
liason of the Independent Order of Oddfellows Chapter 169.

========================== The Virtual Markets =============================
Visit The Woodland Opera House
at:  http://www.vme.net/opera/
Davis Virtual Market - http://virtual-markets.net/vme/
Fresno - http://vme.net/fvm/   Rochester, NY - http://vme.net/rvm/  
Sacramento - http://virtual-markets.com/svm/  Vacaville - http://vme.net/vvm/
Woodland  - http://vme.net/wvm/   
"Pet, Vets, You, and Dr.Sue - http://vme.net/dvm/DrSue/ 

The thoughts expressed are my own and do not reflect the policies or opinions

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