[Davis Democrats] Next Board Meeting is on November 14

G Richard Yamagata PhD yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Thu Nov 2 00:12:37 PST 2006

Greetings All,

The next Davis Democratic Club Board Meeting will be on Tuesday, November 14
at 7PM in the Blanchard Room of the Yolo County Library.  

The bad news is that I will not be at this meeting, due to a family medical
appointment in Fresno.  

What I need is for someone else to take minutes at this meeting.  I would
like to ask Luba Schmid or Eileen Lindsay to take minutes at this board
meeting.  The reason is that I think that these two people are involved with
the production of the club newsletter.  Part of the recording secretary's
job is to send the minutes by the 15th of the month to the newsletter
editor.  This would help facillitate the processs.

I will still send out the preliminary agenda on November 10 and the final
agenda on November 13.  I am hoping that everyone on the board will print a
copy of the agenda and bring them to the meeting and will ask Mike Syvanen
to print out between 5 to 10 copies of the agenda for board members that do
not have computer access or forget their agendas for the meeting.

Take care,

G Richard Yamagata  PhD
CEO/President   VME Inc.   http://www.vme.net/

G Richard Yamagata is a member of the Davis Community Network Board of 
Directors, a member of the board of the Business Link of Woodland and Davis,
Secretary of the Board of Directors for the Davis Democratic Club, President 
of the board of Virtual Market Enterprises, Inc, Secretary-Treasurer 
of the board of the Davis Progressive Business Exchange and communications 
liason of the Independent Order of Oddfellows Chapter 169.

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The thoughts expressed are my own and do not reflect the policies or opinions

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