[Davis Democrats] DDC Yolo County Fair Booth on Friday, 8/17

G Richard Yamagata PhD yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Mon Aug 13 23:44:54 PDT 2007

Greetings Davis Democratic Club Members,

The followings is from Andrew Ramos, County Chair of the Yolo County
Democratic Central Committee
 <http://www.yolodems.com/> http://www.yolodems.com
 <mailto:ajramos at pacbell.net> ajramos at pacbell.net

Hi Folks,

Just a note to say "thank you" to the Davis Democratic Club for your help
staffing the Yolo County Fair Booth on Friday, 8/17.  DDC really came
through on scheduling.  We've got just one more time slot we need to fill:
1:00 - 4:00 PM.  If you can work this time, it'd be a huge help to the Yolo
Democratic Party and DDC!  Please e-mail me at ajramos at pacbell.net or call
at (707) 330-0697.

The fair is located at 1125 East St., Woodland.  Our booth will be in the
Main Exhibition Hall.

Here's DDC's schedule so far:
>10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
>Barbara Slemmons
>Mary Major
>Betty Weir
>1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
>Claire Black Slotton
>4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
>Bob Bockwinkel
>Lyle Smith
>Jim Provenza
>7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
>Mike Syvanen 
>Lyle Smith
(G R Yamagata and B Wilson will also be at the booth -- GRy)
>10:00 PM - 11:00 PM
>Andrew Ramos (Clean-Up)
Look forward to seeing you all at the fair!

Andrew Ramos

  <mailto:ajramos at pacbell.net> ajramos at pacbell.net
 (707) 330-0697
 P.O. Box 73591
 Davis, CA 95616
G Richard Yamagata  PhD
CEO/President   VME Inc.   http://www.vme.net/   http://vme.net/bcards/bio.html

G Richard Yamagata is a member of the Davis Community Network Board of 
Directors, Secretary of the Board of Directors for the Davis Democratic 
Club, President of the board of Virtual Market Enterprises, Inc, 
Secretary-Treasurer of the board of the Davis Progressive Business 
Exchange and communications liason for the Independent Order of 
Oddfellows Chapter 169 and the Business Link of Woodland and Davis.

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at:  http://www.vme.net/opera/
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The thoughts expressed are my own and do not reflect the policies or opinions

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