[Davis Democrats] REMINDER for change in time for tomorrow's General Meeting and Potluck

G Richard Yamagata PhD yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Wed Jan 24 16:24:23 PST 2007

Please note that the start time for this general meeting has changed.  The
Potluck portion has been moved to 7PM.  The speaker will arrive at 7:30PM.
He cannot make the meeting until 7:30PM because of commuting from work.

Democrat Club Presents Richard Zeiger, Chief of Staff for State Senator Tom
        A Roll Model for Young People Wanting to Enter Public Service.
Date: Thursday January 25th, 2007

Time: 7PM to 7:30 -- Potluck
Time: 7:30 PM -- Program: Richard Zeiger
Place: Blanchard Room of the Davis Branch, Yolo County Library<
Location: 315 East 14th Street 
Davis, CA 95616

Come share food and break bread with the Democrats of Davis.  We have
invited and will hear from Richard Zeiger on how he started out as a public
servant and ended up as chief of staff for a California State Senator -- an
inspirational story.  

There will be a potluck on Tuesday, January 25th sponsored by the Davis
Democrat Club starting at 7PM.  People are encouraged to pass out political
and Democratic party information or articles to the membership.

Please bring your favorite food you like to cook or prepare or purchase,
either a main dish, salad or dessert to share with 4 to 6 to 8 people.  The
Club will provide coffee, cups, forks and spoons and chocolate candies.  The
suggested donation at the door will be $5.  
Potluck suggested breakdown of alphabet for food to bring to event.  If your
last name starts with:
                A-I  Bring a salad dish (green, macaroni, or potato or other)
                J-R  Bring a dessert
                S-Z  Bring a main dish

There are no scheduled items or resolutions for the General Membership of
the Davis Democratic Club to vote upon.  There will be two scheduled general
announcements to the club in regards to club board business or finances.
One will be made by President Arun Sen in regards to the location of future
General Meetings and another by Rich Petersen regarding a permanent
Democratic campaign headquarters in Davis.

G Richard Yamagata  PhD
CEO/President   VME Inc.   http://www.vme.net/

G Richard Yamagata is a member of the Davis Community Network Board of 
Directors, Secretary of the Board of Directors for the Davis Democratic 
Club, President of the board of Virtual Market Enterprises, Inc, 
Secretary-Treasurer of the board of the Davis Progressive Business 
Exchange and communications liason for the Independent Order of 
Oddfellows Chapter 169 and the Business Link of Woodland and Davis.

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The thoughts expressed are my own and do not reflect the policies or opinions

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