[Davis Democrats] Treason's greetings-Saint Patrick Fitzgerald Day-March 6

John Chendo jac07 at dcn.org
Tue Mar 6 18:08:33 PST 2007

Today, Scooter Libby was convicted of 2 counts of lying to the FBI, I count
of lying to the Grand Jury, and I count of obstruction of justice. Maximum
term of 25 years. The President has refused to say that he will not pardon
Scooter Libby.

Joe Wilson, the northern California native whose wife was an undercover CIA
agent monitoring nuclear proliferation, has spoken in Davis two times since
his wife was exposed by the Bush Administration. By this action, the Bush
Administration exposed a whole network, under the corporate name
Brewster-Jennings, to retaliation by countries the USA was gathering
intelligence on. In other words, the Bush Administration was engaging in
treason against its own CIA.

It is a sad day, but the truth is coming out.

I am taking some satisfaction also that my high school in 1978 produced a
guy like Michael Fitzgerald, a Republican appointee of the Bush

Watch out: in December, Alberto Gonzales--Bush's Attorney General--fired 8
heads of U.S. Justice Dept. offices all around the country. They were all
Republican appointees of this Bush administration. The other thing they have
in common is that they were all investigating political corruption. One was
Carol Lam in San Diego, who was trying to continue her investigation of
Congressman Duke Cunningham's bribery network.

The Board of DDC is meeting tonight at the Blanchard Room of the library in
Davis at 7pm. We will have some important things to celebrate. General
meeting with potluck is being planned for March 29, Thursday evening.

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