[Davis Democrats] FINAL Agenda for Davis Democrat Club Board Meeting on Tuesday May 6, 2008

G Richard Yamagata PhD yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Tue May 6 01:43:06 PDT 2008

This is the FINAL agenda.  The estimated length of the meeting is 98 minutes!

The meeting starts at 7PM and will end before 9PM.  We must vacate with the
room clean and in order by 9PM, which means adjourning at 8:50PM to be able
to clear tables and chairs and clean the room.  

If you received your DDC board member folder, PLEASE BRING YOUR FOLDER TO

Please note that all Davis Democrat Club members are welcome to attend the
board meeting.  Usually, we have several guests, both members and
non-members, at these meetings.

Davis Democrat Club Board Meeting on Tuesday May 6, 2008,

Davis Democratic Club Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, May 6, 7 pm - 8:38 pm
Place: Davis Branch, Yolo County Library in Davis.
315 East 14th Street.

I.   Introduction (2 minutes)
        i.    Approval of Agenda  

II.  Treasurer's Report -- Betty Weir (3 minutes)
        i.   General finances and budget of the club

III. Future General Meetings (15 minutes)
        i.   4th of July Booth in the Park - Bill Ritter, Chair
        ii.  Champagne Brunch date and program - Mike Syvanen, chair
        iii. TBA for May General Meeting at Lamppost Pizza
                Lyle Smith - Chair

IV.  Item submitted by Bill Ritter covering selection of DDC delegates
        by Club President.  CARRIED OVER FROM LAST MEETING (10 minutes)

V.   Future General Meetings CONTINUED (5 minutes)
        iv.  August Potluck or Ice Cream Social at Jerry's

VI.  Budget Committee -- Bill Ritter Chair & Carl Schmid (5 minutes)

VII.    Recruitment of Replacement Board Members (10 minutes)
        i.  Report from Membership Committee Carl Schmid Chair
        ii. Officer/Board Member Nomination Committee 
                assigned by president 
        iii.Membership (general) - Carl Schmid

VIII. Content of the Next Newsletter (10 minutes)
        i.   Report by newsletter committee by Bill Ritter
        ii.  Volunteer tasks
        iii. Story ideas
        iv.  Announcements and articles that must go into the newsletter

IX.   New and Unfinished Business (5 minutes)
        i.   Unfinished business items from past meetings (None to my knowledge)
        ii.  Discussion of Club e-mailing list complaints

X.   Kudos (5 minutes) 
XI.  Communications (18 minutes)  Item g is most important item.
        i.  Comments and issues from the Public and general members.
              a. From public for unscheduled presentations.
        ii. Reports from other clubs and campus Democrats
              a. Report from the Woodland Club
              b. Report from Yolo County Young Democrats
              c. Report from Yolo County Blue (Lyle Smith)
              d. Report from UCDavis Campus Democrats by Vice President
                  (interested in a joint June election celebration)
              e. Report from Davis High Democrats
              f. Report on the President's activities for the club, Arun Sen.
                 & Report on the April meeting of the YCDCC 
                 (Yolo County Democratic Central Committee)
                 1. Yolo County Fair booth and DDC
                 2. Nov. election/HQ Staffing
                 3. West Sacramento Club

XII. Kudos (2 minutes)
XIII.  Closing (8 minutes)
        i.   Items for next meeting  
        ii.  Announcements- upcoming events not covered in 
                  Communications and Reports.
        iii. Next Meeting Time/Location 
                (Board meeting in June for Champagne Brunch TBA) 
                (July 1  Blanchard Room?)
        iv.  Meeting adjournment

Time: 98 minutes  Meeting over at 8:38PM
All times are approximate and only placed to help keep meeting on track, so
meeting can end by 8:50 PM.  
G Richard Yamagata  PhD
CEO/President   VME Inc.   http://www.vme.net/   http://vme.net/bcards/bio.html
Phone: 530-VIV-VMEI or 530-848-8634

G Richard Yamagata is a member of the Davis Community Network Board of 
Directors, Secretary of the Board of Directors for the Davis Democratic 
Club, President of the board of Virtual Market Enterprises, Inc, 
Secretary-Treasurer of the board of the Davis Progressive Business 
Exchange and communications liason for the Independent Order of 
Odd Fellows Chapter 169 and the Business Link of Woodland and Davis.

For public service to the Democratic Party of Yolo County, 
Recipient of the 2007 Williamson-Weir Award

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The thoughts expressed are my own and do not reflect the policies or opinions

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