[Davis Democrats] DDC Board Meeting Minutes for

G Richard Yamagata PhD yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Wed Oct 8 18:53:57 PDT 2008

If you have corrections please submit them to yamagata at virtual-markets.net.

               Davis Democratic Club Meeting Minutes 
                Tuesday, August 6, 7 pm - 9 pm 
          Place:  Blanchard Room
                  Davis Branch, Yolo County Library in Davis.
                  315 East 14th Street.

This meeting was held at 
Place: Blanchard Room, Davis Branch, Yolo County Library in Davis, 315 East
14th Street.
Present (12 board members total present -- 13 votes present -- We had a
quorum) were:
President: Arun Sen,
Vice President: Mike Syvanen
Treasurer: Betty Weir
Recording Secretary: G Richard Yamagata
Corresponding Secretary: Vacant
Membership Committee Chair: Carl Schmid
Publicity: Absent Barbara Slemmons 
(Excused Medical: not counted against Quorum Requirement)
Acting Past President: Bob Bockwinkel, Past-Past President and Newsletter
Newsletter Editor: Absent Sydney Vergis 
(Excused Medical: not counted against Quorum Requirement)
Scheduling Committee Chair: Vacant 
By-Laws Committee Chair: Jim Provenza
Board members: Barry Wilson, Bill Ritter, Rick Gonzales, Pam Nieberg, and 
Adrienne Kandel with Absent Lyle Smith (2nd absence) and Absent Bill Julian 
(2nd absence).
Ex-Officio Members of the Board: Don Gibson Present
                11 of 14 were present and
                A Total of 16 active board members on the rolls.
After this meeting there are now 16 active board members with 9 board
members required for a Quorum.  With Barbara Slemmons and Sydney Vergis on 
medical emergency leave, the quorum requirement is 8 board members at future 

Guests:  4 Guests were present at the meeting.  They were Luba Schmid, 
Betty Woo, Don Gibson, and Michelle Woods.

Absent: Barbara Slemmons (3), Sydney Vergis (1), Lyle Smith (2), Bill Julian
-- (number indicates how many meeting is a row have been missed.  Excused
medical absences are not counted towards a quorum.  Barbara Slemmons was
excused due to a long term medical emergency and death in her family.  
Sydney Vergis was excused for shoulder surgery.)  There have been 6 meetings 
since the elections this year.  By-laws state that board member cannot miss 
3 meetings in a row or 3 out of 5 meetings in a five month period (meaning 
you cannot just come to every other meeting and still remain on the board).  
Absences can be excused by the President, but non-medical emergencies are 
counted against the quorum requirements.   
TOTAL:  12 of 16 Board Members were present.
Arun Sen called the meeting into session at 7:05 PM.  

The agenda was presented and examined by the board.  They had been
previously e-mailed to the list.

The Agenda was moved for approval by Carl Schmid.  This was
seconded by Barry Wilson.  The agenda passed without objection.

The minutes presented by the Recording Secretary, G Richard Yamagata for 
May and June 2008 and had previously been e-mailed to the board.  

The minutes for May 2008 were moved for approval by Barry Wilson.  This was
seconded by Mike Syvanen.  The minutes passed without objection.

The minutes for June 2008 were moved for approval by Barry Wilson.  The 
minutes were passed MSB with no objection.

Betty Weir was present and made the following report.  At the beginning of
August the club had $7374 in the bank.

For the month of August, the following was the state of our treasury:

$618 ($170 in membership dues came in)

TOTAL EXPENSES    $1565.91

August 1 Balance: $6426.79 Checking + $12,458.32 CD = $18,885.11 Grand Total

The expenses were postage and copy shop charges for Newsletter.  There were
also stationary charges charges from the Champagne Brunch.  The Champagne 
Brunch grossed $2169.

The first item was the approval of the Headquarters site.  The two sites
under discussion were Bogey's Books on E Street and 1801 Hanover behind
SaveMart Shopping Center (use to be Lucky's, then Albertson, now SaveMart).

The Budget/Site selection committee and several board members visted both
sites.  The majority of the board expressed their opinion and liked the
Hanover site.  Yolo United proceeded and acquired the Hanover location, which
is 1801 Hanover Drive, Suite C.

Rick Gonzales commented that the site is excellent with good visibility and
parking.  Claire negotiated the site agreement.

Betty Weir stated that she thought that the downtown location of Bogey' provided
great visibility and access by street traffic.  

It was stated that the owners of the Bogey's Books location wanted $1800/month.
The Hanover location was only $1600/month.  

Rick Gonzales stated that Mariko is paying $2500/month for her Vacaville 
location, so this is a great price for Hanover.

Carl Schmid stated that Bogey's was not Internet ready.  All of the phone 
hook-ups were already in place at Hanover.  Betty Woo got everything in 
place and the ball rolling and everything is hooked up and running at
the headquarters.  It is also, already painted.  [The Hanover location was
painted black.]

At this time, Carl Schmid presented a revised budget for the headquarters.
Carl had met with Bill Julian, who explained the Federal Campaign Laws.  The
budget projects that worse case scenario, the club should have $4000 left in
the treasury after the election.  Carl stated that under Federal law, the
Yolo County Democratic Central Committee/Yolo United must pay at least $40% 
of all headquarter expenses.  The YCDCC has paid the following to date:
Rent -- First month plus deposit ($1600 refundable)     $3200.00
Copier Contract                                         $ 110.00
Communications/Internet                                 $ 155.00
TOTAL to Date                                           $3465.00

The budget also states that the YCDCC will re-reimburse the DDC up to 
$5000 for "political materials."

Greg wants the DDC to invest $5000 upfront in buttons, lawn signs, 
and other campaign printed materials.  Yolo United will buy or purchase
the materials from DDC up to $5000.

Mike Syvanen proposted that the club limit this spending to only $2500.

Once again, the Yolo County Democratic Central Committee has paid for 
the 3 items listed above totaling $3465.  It was stated that the club
needs to pick up ist share with the bulk purchase of these campaign
printed items.  

Mike Syvanen stated that the club is going to pay the rest of the rent for 
the campaign cycle, over 2 months, so the club is paying its share of expenses.

It was stated that buying the Obama stuff and 2 months paid rent is a 
proportional share of the expenses.  

Mike Svanen stated that $8600 is a lot of money for the club to pay out.  He 
did not think that the headquarters needed $5000 in campaign materials and it
is questionable whether or not that the club will get its investment back.  
Mike stated the last time that the club invested in materials, the club went
deeply into the red.  

Bob Bockwinkel stated that Yolo United is everyone, all Democrats.  It is all
of the Yolo County clubs rolled into one.  These include the College Campus
Mariko Yamada, YCDCC, Obama for President, Davis Democratic Club, Woodland
Democratic Club (disbanded until after the election).  The DDC can and will 
have an independent work area in the headquarters.  The DDC will be the only
entity that will be able to do commercial-cash transactions for the campaigns.

Betty Woo stated that Yolo United already has receptionists signed up to 
volunteer at the headquarters.  

Mike Thompson's campaign has already a campaign headquarters and has a year
contract on its location.

Arun Sen stated that the club is paying 60% of the funds for the 
headquarters.  He wants the Davis Democratic Club in the forefront.  

There was discussion that the DDC owns a banner and that can be put up
in front of the headquarters.  

Carl Schmid stated that they want to attract volunteers to work at the 
headquarters in efforts in "red" states.  Big bucks will go into these
other states to fund these workers that will work from Davis.

Mike Syvanen stated that the National Obama campaign can send its own people
and send its own campaign paraphernalia and its own support to get out the
vote in those other states.  

Bob Bockwinkel said the point is that the local Obama people do not have
the resources and need the materials.  He further stated that the $5000 
is a wash.

Jim Provenza stated that the local campaign needs every dime and that 
the headquarters will sell all of the campaign materials.  He has no
doubt that the club will make back its $5000 investment.  

G Richard Yamagata stated that someone already is distributing and selling
Obama campaign literature.  The Davis Food Coop called him and wanted to 
know if this person was affiliated with the club and the Food Coop objected
to his selling campaign buttons, bumper stickers and signs at the Food Coop.
The Food Coop said that it did not object if he was giving the materials away.
The point is that this person is already competing with the DDC investment and
the sale of this material is money that the club will not recoup.

Betty Woo stated that the individual was working on his own, but he turned 
over $200 worth of bounties on registering Democrats to Yolo United.  The
California Democratic Committee pays for every Democrat registered by a club
or political entity.  

Luba further stated that this individual went on the internet and printed
and created his buttons, bumper stickers and campaign signs that he was

G Richard Yamagata stated, then why do we have to send $5000 to the National
Obama campaign to purchase materials, when we could create and sell them 

Carl Schmid stated that we have the question of approving the budget.  We are
hung up on a single item: campaign materials.  Carl wanted us to move forward
on approving the budget.  The club will be re-imbursed $5000 for the budget 
item under question by the YCDCC.

Bill Ritter stated that it was a great budget and showed a lot of thought and
work went into it.  He also stated that it was a very good job.  In 1996, 
Clinton-Gore had money for grassroots campaign efforts.  The Democratic 
Central Committee gave the Davis Democratic Club $10,000 and invested $5000
in West Sac and Woodland and opened a headquarters in Woodland.  Obama is not
doing this.  He is not an incumbent and has less money.  Democratic candidates 
in Yolo County have always donated in-kind contributions to fund headquarters 
for rooms, phones and other facility expenses.  Mariko and Yolo United will
money to fund the headquarters.  Bill stated that he supports the budget and it
made sense to him.  Forty percent of the money will go to the Federal campaign
and the remaining sixty percent will be spent on the local campaigns.  In his 
mind this is 20% Mariko, 20% to Lois, and 20% to the propositions.  Obama will
have to do more with that 40%.

Mike Syvanen stated that he did not approve of the $5000 expenditure.  We
not be giving $5000 to the National Obama Campaign.  We should minimize the 
$5000 donation and reduce it to $2500.

President Arun Sen at this point in time stated, we are not spending $5000 on
campaign materials.

Bob Bockwinkel stated that in 2004, the Davis Democratic Club spent $28000 on
the headquarters in that presidential election year.  

The motion was made to pass the budget by Carl Schmid.  The motion was seconded
by Bob Bockwinkel  There is one amendment and one change.  The amendment 
was made by Barry Wilson and seconded by Bob Bockwinkel is that any future 
announcement must have the Davis Democratic Club mentioned in regards to the
headquarters.  The Davis Democratic Club providing 60% funding must be
as one of the two financial sponsors of the headquarters, the other being 
Yolo United.  Specifically: The Davis Campaign Headquarters must be referred and
noted as The Yolo United-Davis Democratic Club Campaign Headquarters.

Betty Woo stated that the City of Davis has sign ordinances and any signage
has to pass through the planning department.  Mike Syvanen stated that we,
the Davis Democartic Club, has a banner that we can throw up and take down
at any time in front of the headquarters.

MOTION continued
The change to the motion is that the Davis Democratic Club will only
authorize a $2500 expenditure for campaign materials ordered from
the National Obama Campaign.

Bob Bockwinkel called the question to vote for the budget as changed and
amended.  The budget passed without objection.

Carl stated that he would like the grand opening of the headquarters to be
on August 17, Sunday, from 3pm to 6pm.  Carl stated that he had plans to
draw the County and City electeds into the Grand Opening.  [Carl asked
and had participation by electeds to supply frozen refreshment in the form
of ice cream bars and popsicles.  The electeds personally handed out
these treats and this was a great success!]

The dates for the fair booth are August 13 through 17.

The day that was asked for and assigned to the Davis Democratic Club to
man the booth was August 16, Saturday.  The booth is a double booth and
encompasses 2 spaces.  This is the Yolo County Central Committee booth.
The Davis Democratic Club felt strongly that Yolo Democrats needed a 
bigger presence at the Yolo County Fair and demanded a larger booth and
at the last meeting voted to pay to enlarge the booth.  

To volunteer at the booth, the club and board members were encouraged to
contact Bob Schelen.  G Richard Yamagata was instructed to send out an
e-mail asking for volunteers from Davis to man the booth in 2 hours slots
starting at 11AM until 11PM.  We need two to four people per 2 hour slot 
manning the booth.  G Richard will send out an e-mail with Bob Schelen's
contact phone number and e-mail address.  [This was accomplished with
help from Bob Bockwinkel.]

If club or board members wanted to help with decorating the booth, Katie
Vieges will be decorating the booth on Tuesday evening.  People should
contact her to coordinate the time on Tuesday, August 12.

Don Gibson, ex-officio voting board member from the Campus Democrats, asked 
on behalf of the Yolo County Central Committee for a check for $600
for the Davis Democratic Club purchase of the second half of the booth

The ice cream social is scheduled for August 21st.  The Board brings the
ice cream.  Mike Syvanen will coordinate the ice cream selections, drinks,
condiments, bowls and spoons.  Barbara Slemmons as Publicity Chair, will 
coordinate and set-up the picture and announcement for this event in the
Davis Entprise.  A sign-up sheet was circulated around the room and given
to Mike Syvanen.  The cost of this event was established as $15/person.
The event will be from 6PM to 8PM with the board members bringing ice 
cream at 5:30PM.  The MC of the event will be Jerry Kaneko.  [Jerry fell
seriously ill and could not be MC.  Due to Jerry's strong sense of commitment, 
the Ice Cream Social proceeded at his home with Jerry recuperating in bed.]

The event will be held on August 28th at the home of Stephen Souza and his
wife, Robin.  This is a Thursday.  The time and donation were to be set by
Yolo United.  The time set at this meeting, at the suggestion of Stephen
Souza was from 6PM to 8PM.  The amount of the donation should be $25/person.
A meeting will be set-up in the future that will discuss how the receipts 
will be divided between Yolo United and the Davis Democratic Club. [The 
result of this meeting was that all checks collected would go to Yolo United
and all cash would go to the Davis Democratic Club.]

We were not able to have this event at the campaign headquarters on E
Street, because they did not allow us to bring in Barbecue Units.  This 
year, this will not be a problem.  Carl Schmid stated that the headquarters
committee has not had time to think about this.  Stated experts on this
event were stated to be Mike Syvanen and Kingsley Melton, who coordinated
the last two barbecues at the L Street Headquarters location.

This event in on September 6 at the Yolo County Fair Grounds in Woodland.
Jim Provenza solicited sponsorships from the DDC Board.  Sponsorship 
levels were $2200, $500, $250, and $100.  Bob Bockwinkel wanted support 
from the board for a proposal that whoever donated $250 to the Bean Feed
would be purchasing a "season ticket" to all of the election fundraiser 
events that involved Yolo United and The Davis Democratic Club.  From the 
day of the board meeting to the Bean Feed, there are 5 fundraising events,
including the Feed.  Each of these events is asking for $25 to $35.  Bob
was asked by the board to suggest this to Yolo United.  [Bob was successful
in getting it approved that anyone that donated $250 to the Bean Feed would
"have a season ticket" to all Yolo United-DDC fundraising events in Yolo 
County.  A total of $1901 in pledged money for the Bean Feed was collected
by Jim Provenza at this meeting.

Bob Bockwinkel said that the search continues for board members and that
he had nothing to report at this time.

Sydney Vergis was not at this meeting, due to a medical reason and she
was excused from attending.  It was reported at this meeting that the
newsletter production software was given to Sydney.  There was a problem, 
because the software is for a PC and Sydney uses an Apple Mac.  It was also
reported that the next newsletter would be out in two weeks.  

Treasurer Betty Weir stated that she gets no copies of the minutes nor
copies of the agendas or any other communications.  Betty Woo stated that
the headquarters could set Betty Weir with a Fax Machine and send her
all of the e-mail communications.  

Barry Wilson stated that he would like to thank all of the people that 
were involved in the headquarters selection process.  Barry specifically
thanked Carl Schmid, Betty Woo and Claire Black-Slotton.  Carl Schmid 
continued the kudos with stating that we (the DDC) are truly bless to 
have Betty Woo working at the headquarters.  Betty is a hard worker and
is responsible for setting up the headquarters, practically from scratch.
Carl stated that the club should be nice to both "Bettys."

President Arun Sen publicly thanked Rick Gonzales, Bill Julian and Bob 
Bockwinkel for all of there help the past month on the behalf of the

Bob Bockwinkel did not have a "kudos," but wanted to make sure that
everyone knew about the Yolo West County Democratic Club's Free 
Spaghetti Feed on Monday, August 11 in Winters.  

Betty Woo wanted to acknowledge her husband, Jim Woo, who found and
hauled all of the desks and chairs to the headquarters.  She also
wanted to thank Ryan, the computer expert, who installed all of the
software and got the computers up and running and networked at the
headquarters.  To this, the board all gave a round of applause.

There was no public comment.  

The Woodland Democratic Club is on hiatus until after the November election.
But, the annoucnement is that the Democratic Party Headquarters in Woodland 
was having its grand opening this Friday from 6 to 8PM at the Hotel Woodland.

It was reported that the club members are meeting next week on Thursday.  The 
meeting is to network volunteers for Lois Wolk.

It was stated that "this organization is history this summer."  [It is unsure
as to what this meant.  It probably means that they are on hiatus until after
the November election.]

UCDAVIS Campus Democrats
This organization is highly motivated and active.  They are having a meeting
with Steve Ybara for training on how to run a campaign.  On October 2nd, they 
are having a meeting/fundraiser with Debra Bowen, John Garamendi as speakers.
Their goal is to sign up 3000 students as Democrats.  They plan to work the 
5th Senate District for Lois.  

Mike Syvanen strongly suggested that Lois should connect with the Obama 
campaign.  Obama is generating high public enthusiasm and as such should
pull Democrats with him into office.  As people volunteer to work for 
Obama, these volunteers should carry literature for Lois Wolk.  So, 
specifically, the Lois Wolk campaign should ask the Obama campaign while 
they walk and drop to carry Lois' material and drop it also.  

Betty Weir reported to the DDC Board that the Yolo County Republican Central 
Committee [actually an individual on the central committee, not the whole 
body] proported to the FPPC that the Davis Democratic Club did not file
proper papers in 2006.  They did not file against Winters, Woodland, or West
Sac, but filed against the Davis Democratic Club and the Yolo County Democratic
Central Committee.  Bill Julian, Bob Bockwinkel and Betty are working on this
problem.  The club had 15 days to replay from the first of August, but this has
been extended to September.  Betty stated that she filed all of the proper 
forms with the Secretary of State.  The rules state that one must also file in 
at least 2 counties.  Betty stated that we did file in Yolo County.  Bob 
Bockwinkel stated that Bill Julian knows more than any other person in Yolo
County about McCain-Feingold and the FPPC rules and regulations and we are very
fortunate to have him working on this issue on Betty's behalf.  Bob stated
that it was ludicrous to think that they would send our treasurer, Betty 
Weir, a 93 year old great grandmother to prison for not filing a second copy.  
That should blacken the Republican Party name in Yolo County for them to be 
pushing this issue.  

It was noted again, that the imediate past president from the High School Dems 
was now working with the UCDavis College Dems as he was attending UCDavis this

President Arun Sen reported that the YCDCC announced that they have over $12,000
in their coffers at this time.  

Bob Bockwinkel suggested that the next meeting be at the Yolo United-Davis 
Democratic Club Campaign Headquarters.  Since Yolo United has biweekly to 
weekly meetings on Tuesdays, we could have a joint meeting.  Bob stated that 
such a meeting would let the Yolo United people get to see who we are and for
the DDC Board to get familiarized with the headquarters.  The next meeting is
on September 2nd at the headquarters at 6:30 or 7PM.  Arun will meet with Claire
Black-Slotton to work out the joint meeting and will inform us if the time will
be earlier or the same time.  Carl stated that Yolo United can meet later, after
the DDC meeting or joint meeting.  Yolo United is currently meeting every 2
and plans to meet weekly as the election draws closer.

Jim Provenza once again asked for the meeting to be adjourned, having completed 
the agenda for the evening with 5 minutes remaining, before the library expelled
us from the facility.

Arun Sen adjourned the meeting at 8:57PM.

These Minutes for August 6, 2008 are respectively submitted,
G Richard Yamagata  PhD
CEO/President   VME Inc.   http://www.vme.net/   http://vme.net/bcards/bio.html
Phone: 530-VIV-VMEI or 530-848-8634

G Richard Yamagata is a member of the Davis Community Network Board of 
Directors, Secretary of the Board of Directors for the Davis Democratic 
Club, President of the board of Virtual Market Enterprises, Inc, 
Secretary-Treasurer of the board of the Davis Progressive Business 
Exchange and communications liason for the Independent Order of 
Odd Fellows Chapter 169 and the Business Link of Woodland and Davis.

For public service to the Democratic Party of Yolo County, 
Recipient of the 2007 Williamson-Wier Award

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The thoughts expressed are my own and do not reflect the policies or opinions

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