[Davis Democrats] Volunteer action opportunity: if you support the public option

John Chendo jac07 at dcn.org
Wed Sep 30 07:26:06 PDT 2009


The Senate needs to hear that everyday Americans support the public health
insurance option. Send a free fax to Sens. Boxer and Feinstein:

6801-mp6GD.x&t=1> Click Here

OK, this is amazing: More people believe in UFOs than oppose the public
health insurance option.1
Seriously, it's easier to find someone who thinks aliens are landing
spaceships in our cornfields than someone who thinks we shouldn't create a
public option to keep the insurance companies honest.
The insurance companies are basically the only ones who don't like the
public option‹which is probably why their industry is spending nearly $5=2
0million per week trying to fight off health care reform in Congress.2
We need to remind our senators that everyday Americans‹not space aliens, and
not profit-driven insurance executives‹support the public health insurance
option. Click here to send a free fax about the public option to Senators
Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein:
Outside of the Senate, insurance company boardrooms, and Area 51, the
support for the public option is overwhelming.
At least two thirds of Americans want the choice of a public plan.3 Fully
73% of doctors, the people who see the moral and medical need up close every
day, want a public option.4 And a majority of small-business owners, who
know firsthand the economic case for health care reform, back it.5
Yet the health insurance companies‹and some subset of the people who believe
they've seen flying saucers‹oppose it.  And somehow, ridiculously, that's
put the public option in danger in the Senate.
Can you send this free fax to your senators, Barbara Boxer and Dianne
Feinstein, to20make sure they know just how popular the public option is?
Thanks for all that you do.
­Nita, Stephen, Kat, Peter, and the rest of the team
P.S. Remember last week's email "from" the public option? Well, it turns out
the public option now has its own Twitter feed‹@im_publicoption‹for
important updates and miscellaneous observations on the state of the health
care fight. Check it out here:
1. "More Americans Believe In UFOs Than Oppose A Public Option," Media
Matters, September 29, 2009
2. "Insurance and HMO Industries Spend Nearly $700,000 Per Day to Kill
Health Care Reform Measures," Public Campaign Action Fund, September 15,
3. "In Poll, Public Wary of Obama on War and Health," The New York Times,
September 24, 2009 
4. "Poll Finds Most Doctors Support Public Option," National Public Radio,
September 14, 2009 
5."Small Business Owners Say Cutting Health Care Costs, Need for Reform are
Top Concerns," Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, December 3, 2008
Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 5 million members‹no
corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures
that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here
t=8> .


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