[Davis Democrats] Voluntary Action Opportunity: help pass DISCLOSE Act on secret "corporate" political funding- present Congress returns this Monday

John Chendo jac07 at dcn.org
Fri Nov 12 10:39:00 PST 2010

------ Forwarded Message

Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 17:50:36 -0600 (CST)
To: <jac07 at dcn.org>
Subject: Emergency Action on DISCLOSE Act

A new message from your friends at People For the American Way.
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 <http://site.pfaw.org/site/R?i=I4ti0FbH4mEd59_hdmayJQ..> Dear Senator,

Please do all you can to pass the DISCLOSE Act now, and pull back the
curtains to reveal the interests behind the spending. Americans have a right
to know.  <http://site.pfaw.org/site/R?i=D2jg-QtrOV8kUjuq2ZWPzA..>

Dear John, 

The window of opportunity for Congress to pass the DISCLOSE Act is shrinking

On Monday, Congress convenes for a "lame duck" session to end the yearŠ in
January, the Tea Party-dominated Republican majority takes over in the
House, comprised of many of the beneficiaries of this year's runaway,
undisclosed corporate spending.

PFAW is pulling out all the stops and will be putting as much pressure as we
can on Congress to pass the DISCLOSE Act in this short session, before time
runs out and the new House majority is seated.

Help build the centerpiece of our lobbying efforts. Sign our emergency
petition to pass the DISCLOSE Act right now.

Earlier this year, Republican senators voted in lockstep to filibuster the
DISCLOSE Act, with a handful of GOP senators from more liberal states
hanging their objections on various provisions of the bill. This time
around, Democrats will be offering a stripped-down version which will simply
require the wealthy interests that bankroll the attack ads and directly
support candidates to come out of hiding and reveal themselves.

As we saw in this past election, shadowy front groups with pleasant sounding
names like "Commission on Hope, Growth and Opportunity," the "Coalition to
Protect Seniors," and the "Center for Individual Freedom" are paying for
endless ads on the public airwaves and not disclosing their donors. Voters
have a right to know who is funding these messages.

It's time to pull back the curtain from the corporate special interests like
Big Oil and Big Insurance which are funding much of this activity and give
Americans the information they deserve to make up their minds about issues
and candidates. 

Join our emergency petition to pass the DISCLOSE Act now and ask others to
do the same. <http://site.pfaw.org/site/R?i=4PYer_KDij4l9smjl2yiQA..>

It's no wonder the Right wants to keep this information hidden from voters.
We saw in the midterm elections that when voters know where the funding for
campaign messages is coming from, they are more likely to see through
misleading attacks and evaluate biased ads more reasonably.

This is a major all-hands-on-deck campaign we are waging, but making sure
you are on board by adding your name
<http://site.pfaw.org/site/R?i=FUJjN5sYiH3cUvCracMnPQ..>  to our emergency
petition is the first critical step.

This is a fight we can win, but we don't have much time. Please sign now
<http://site.pfaw.org/site/R?i=wLBqmCoct605jB6dKObHKw..>  and spread the

-- Diallo Brooks, Director of Field Mobilization


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