[Davis Democrats] Fundraiser by Mariko Yamada and Jerry Kaneko in Support of Al Muratsuchi

G Richard Yamagata PhD yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Tue Sep 25 17:38:27 PDT 2012

The following is from DDC club member Mariko Yamada.  This is not an
official Davis Democratic Club function, but is being mailed out to this
list that goes out to our most fervent and active Democrats.  This is
announcing the fundraising event sponsored by Assembly Member Mariko Yamada.
Mariko is another strong supporter of the club, who gives generously of her
time and resources to the club.  This event is being held at the home of
Past DDC President Jerry and Teresa Kaneko.


66th Assembly Candidate Al Muratsuchi Fundraiser
Sponsored by Mariko Yamada
At the home of Jerry and Teresa Kaneko

What:  This is a fundraising event for Al Muratsuchi, who represents the
California State Assembly District #66.

Where:  At the home of Jerry and Tersa Kaneko
        556 Reed Drive
        Davis, CA  95616

When:   Saturday, September 29th, 2012
        3PM to 5PM

Cost:   Suggested Donation is $25

RSVP:   cjansenconsulting at gmail.com or 916-706-1404 or Fax to 916-706-1412

Muratsuchi for Assembly 2012 FPPC ID#1341558

This is a Davis Democratic Club communication 
Paid for by the Davis Democratic Club
FPPC #745-850
FEC #35 C00491050 

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