[Davis Democrats] Candidate would like DDC support

G Richard Yamagata PhD yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Tue Jan 8 14:12:33 PST 2013

The following is from Tim Fenton, Davis Democratic Club Corresponding
Secretary and Publicity Chair.  He is running for a delegate seat in this
Saturday's caucus at the Woodland Senior Center.


Fellow Davis Democratic Club members,

I have applied to the California Democratic Party to stand for election to
be a member of the California Democratic State Central Committee and a
delegate for the 4th Assembly District to the Party's 2013 and 2014 state
conventions. The election will be Saturday January 12 at the Woodland Senior
Center at 2001 East St. Woodland, CA 95776. Candidate registration will
begin at noon and candidate speeches and voting will begin at 2 p.m.
Democrats registered in the 4th AD are eligible to vote in the election.

This is a statement I included with my application detailing my service to
the Democratic Party which I believe shows that I am well qualified to be

I have been an active worker in Democratic election politics for over 35
years. My experience includes managing mayoral and state assembly campaigns
in my former home in Connecticut, serving as a delegate to congressional
district conventions, attending the Connecticut Democrats' campaign school,
canvassing and phone banking in local, statewide and national campaigns and
covering the 2000 Democratic convention in LA for my home town newspaper. I
share the party's values and support its goal of giving every American a
fair shake and equal access to opportunity. Since moving to California 5
years ago I've volunteered for the party in every election in many different
capacities, canvassing, phone banking, voter registration, data entry,
literature drops, etc. and I serve now on the board of the Davis Democratic
Club and the Yolo County Democratic Central Committee. I've been a regular
contributor to Democratic campaigns (about $1,000 in 2012). If elected I
will do all the work and invest all the time needed to be a valued member of
the Democratic State Central Committee and would be honored to represent
Assembly District 4 at the conventions.

I would be indebted to any Davis Democrats who could attend the election on
Saturday and vote for me.

Tim Fenton
Publicity Chair
Davis Democratic Club
tim.fenton.email at gmail.com

G Richard Yamagata  PhD
CEO/President   VME Inc.   http://www.vme.net/   http://vme.net/bcards/bio.html
Phone: 530-VIV-VMEI or 530-848-8634

G Richard Yamagata is a member of the Davis Community Network Board of 
Directors, Recording Secretary of the Board of Directors for the Davis
Club, President of the board of Virtual Market Enterprises, Inc, 
Secretary-Treasurer of the Board of the Davis Progressive Business 
Exchange and communications liaison and board member for the Business 
Link of Woodland and Davis.

For public service to the Democratic Party of Yolo County, 
Recipient of the 2007 Weir-Willamson Award

========================== The Virtual Markets =================================
Davis Virtual Market - http://virtual-markets.net/vme/
Fresno - http://vme.net/fvm/   Reedley - http://vme.net/rvm/  
Sacramento - http://virtual-markets.com/svm/  Vacaville - http://vme.net/vvm/
Woodland  - http://vme.net/wvm/   
"Pet, Vets, You, and Dr.Sue - http://vme.net/dvm/DrSue/ 

The thoughts expressed are my own and do not reflect the policies or opinions

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