[Davis Democrats Community List] Resolution to be voted on Tomorrow.

yamagata at virtual-markets.net yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Mon Feb 26 20:34:39 PST 2024

Tomorrow, February 27, 2024, the Yolo County Board of Supervisor votes 
to reverse a 1943 resolution that was to prevent people of Japanese 
descent from resettling in Yolo County.  There is a sub section that 
states if a person of Japanese descent does try to move to Yolo County, 
they will owe the costs of the costs of the relocation, which is 
estimated to be 200 million dollars.

The following links take you to various documents.

The original Yolo County 1943 ordinance on Twitter:


The rescinding of the Yolo County ordinance to be voted upon tomorrow:


The 1943 section about the punitive financial cost of moving to Yolo County:


Thank you for your attention.

G Richard Yamagata  PhD
CEO/President VME Inc.http://www.vme.net/
Phone: 530-VIV-VMEI or 530-848-8634

G Richard Yamagata is a member of the Davis Community Network Advisory Board & communications Director on the Board of the Davis Democratic Club, President of the board of Virtual Market Enterprises, Inc, Secretary-Treasurer of the Board of Directors - Davis Progressive Business Exchange.

For public service to the Progressive Business Exchange of Davis,
Recipient of the 2015 Service Award.

For public service to the citizens of Yolo County,
Recipient of the 2013 Yolo County Concilio Board of Directors Award

For public service to the Democratic Party of Yolo County,
Recipient of the 2007 Weir-Willamson Award

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"Pet, Vets, You, and Dr.Sue -http://vme.net/dvm/DrSue/

The thoughts expressed are my own and do not reflect the policies or
opinions of DVM, FVM, GVM, RVM, SVM, WVM, VVM, VME Inc, DCN, DDC, WBL, DPBE, or IOOF.

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