[DCN-TechOps] ARIN Legacy RSA

Robert Nickerson @ Omsoft omrob at omsoft.com
Thu Nov 1 13:12:52 PDT 2007


>>The downside to not signing the RSA isn't clear to me, but may have
>>operational ramifications.  (Perhaps Rob can clarify this.)  My own
>>review of the legacy RSA indicates that it doesn't impose a material
>>burden on DCN, even if we choose not to release any unused resources.
>I dont think it would have ramifications if we don't sign. It clearly states on their web page they will not reclaim the space:

Note that ARIN will not reclaim unutilized address space from legacy 
holders who sign this RSA, nor will ARIN attempt to take away legacy 
resources from organizations who choose not to sign it. However, signing 
the Legacy RSA contractually locks in a set of rights, and thus reduces 
the risk of future change to a minimum.

Id go ahead and do it. It locks us in on these addresses at $100 a year 
until 2013 - AMAZING - and they will only increase by $25 per year after 
that pt.
Id make sure any templates come from jcrowell at dcn.davis.ca.us and JC do 
all the interfacing, as it might minimize the need for additional 
documentation if they get it all rom the actual org contact from the 
legacy allocation.

>I don't see any downside to signing the RSA, but I'm still
>trying to hypothesize problem scenarios.  The $100/yr annual fee
>seems more than fair.
>There are likely some technical problems should we decide to
>relinquish our hold on some of our address space, but they'd be
>ARIN's problem, probably not ours.
>Let me know whether it should be I who fills out the online form.
>(I may need some details about DCN contact information.)
>	 - Jack
>John M. Crowell                     Learn from the Past
> Davis Community Network              Live for Today
> DCN Systems Manager                    Look to Tomorrow
>     netadmin at dcn.davis.ca.us             Take a Nap This Afternoon
> Sacramento Master Singers
> Music Librarian
>     jcrowell at mastersingers.org
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