[Dhsbb-jazz] October Newsletter and Scrip Form

DHS Band Boosters - Jazz Band dhsbb-jazz at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
Fri Sep 29 16:27:25 PDT 2006

Apparently some list members did not receive the attachments  
containing the October Newsletter and Scrip form pdfs.
The message was received without the attachments.
Until I can troubleshoot the problem, you can access the pdf files  
from the Band Boosters website by clicking on the links below:

here is the link to the newsletter page:

October newsletter ONLY:

Scrip for October:

Many thanks to Bernadette Swanson, for getting the files up on the  
website so quickly!


Rhio H. Barnhart
Head of the Music Department Library
Systems Manager for Music
University of California, Davis, CA 95616
(530)752-8716   FAX (530) 752-0983
rhbarnhart at ucdavis.edu

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