[Dhsbb-jazz] Honor Cord donations for DHS Band Seniors of 2008

Ana Ebrahimi ana_gymnastic at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 10 17:25:08 PDT 2008

Hello Everyone!
Unfortunately, the Seniors in the DHS bands this year were not able to get the maroon Music Honor cords to wear at graduation. Fortunately however, Trevor Hershberger is organizing a solution: 
"I would like to organize a very short-term solution for the seniors: past DHS grads with music maroon honor cords can loan them to this year's graduating band students for graduation day only. This means the past grads WILL GET THEIR CORDS BACK! I will see to it! We'll take cords from past band, orchestra, choir, or theory members as long as it is the correct maroon cord that has been given out the last few years to graduating music students.

Any cords offered will be collected by me and distributed at graduation practice on Friday morning to those who ask for them in the order I receive requests. If you have a cord to loan, you can drop it off at my house (2606 Wellesley Place) or I will personally pick it up from you. If you are out of town, maybe your parents could hand it over for you. I will keep track of recipients so I know who has taken one and who must return one after graduation. I will probably collect loaned cords for return on Saturday as Graduation Night will be hectic.

Next, the policy will be first come, first served. If getting a cord is not a big deal to you, please don't request one. Ideally, everyone should get one since we are asking from a pool of more students than are graduating from band this year. I'll take cord loans up until just before the ceremony. If you discover this e-mail after practice, I'll still take it and hand it out before the ceremony. "
Please feel free to e-mail  Trevor hershsix at sbcglobal.net or reply to this e-mail if you can loan a cord OR would like a cord for graduation so we can arrange to pick up the cord as soon as possible. Thank you very much in advance! This would mean a lot to us!!
Trevor Hershberger and Ana Ebrahimi

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