[Dhsbb-jazz] Disneyland trip note

jazzyhorns at aol.com jazzyhorns at aol.com
Thu Jan 14 22:41:48 PST 2010

Hi all,
A few folks have said they want to take a family trip to Disneyland and  
come see the band while there.  They wondered if there was a special  room 
rate for the hotel that they could get for being associated with our  group, 
but not actually part of the band trip as chaperones.  
I asked our hotel contact this, and unfortunately, there is no special rate 
 available.   We did secure an excellent room rate for the band, but it  is 
only for our group and the rooms we book for those students and chaperones 
on  our trip.  She did recommend however, that you go online and click on 
the  advanced purchase rate.  It will be 25% less than their best available 
rate  if you call and book that way.  It is non-refundable however, so only if 
 you are certain you are going is this a good plan.  You can check all the  
rates at the hotel on their website:
_www.esanaheim.com_ (http://www.esanaheim.com) 
Also, there are 2 Embassy Suites in Anaheim.  We are at the Embassy  Suites 
NORTH.  It is about 6 miles from Disneyland.  If you want to  come and see 
the band perform in Disneyland, there are also lots of "Good  Neighbor" 
hotels you will find if you search Disneyland.com that will be within  walking 
distance and very reasonably priced.  
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