[Dhsbb-jazz] San Diego trip update

JazzyHorns at aol.com JazzyHorns at aol.com
Tue Mar 27 15:06:18 PDT 2012

Hi All,
Great news.  The final budget has been set for the San Diego trip and  we 
were able to significantly reduce the cost per student while including most  
meals on the trip!  Fundraisers this year have gone well which have  enabled 
Band Boosters to contribute quite a bit toward reducing the cost for  every 
The final cost per student for the San Diego trip is  $460.  (That is $65 
less than the last time the band took this  trip 3 yrs ago!)
John is still working on updating all the fundraising info  and individual 
contributions thus far - and will be sending out  individualized emails as 
soon as he can to let you know what to do next.  
Also as a reminder, the trip forms are due NOW, so please turn those into  
the band room forms box if you haven't already done so.  
And finally, if you can help on departure day, Thursday April  26th, there 
will be various jobs for the morning up until we actually load  the busses 
and drive off at lunchtime.  If you can help, please send an  email to Lynne 
Rumery who is coordinating that effort at:    _lynnerumery at gmail.com_ 
(mailto:lynnerumery at gmail.com) 
Katie Horn
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