[Dhsbb-jazz] REMINDER - PLAY-A-THON this FRIDAY Night

Horn, John A john.a.horn at intel.com
Thu Jan 16 23:40:11 PST 2014


Just a quick reminder, Play-a-thon is Friday night (tomorrow) from 7pm to 7am Saturday morning.
This is a lot of fun for the kids and a good bonding event.
It is at Emerson Jr High School in West Davis, off of Arlington & Calaveras.
Attached is the Permission Slip.  Please bring it with you filled out.

Don't forget to bring your Pep Band Music, if you have it.
Also, please bring a snack, drink or munchies based on the first letter of your last name:

Schedule                                                                                          STUDENTS  PLEASE  BRING
Friday  Jan 17                                                                                             SNACKS TO SHARE DURING THE EVENING:

6:45 - 7:00 pm:  Check in; desserts                                                                 Last name   A - H     Sweet treats or fruit

7:15 pm: Parents/friends play or conduct;                                                       Last name   I - O       Snacks (crackers, chips etc)

9:00 pm:   Costume contest, pizza break , dancing                                                                        or vegetable munchies

                                                                                                                                  Last name  P - Z       Beverages ( juice, soda etc)

10:00 pm - 7 am:  Band music (40-45 min), food, fun, door prizes          (Coffee, hot chocolate, hot tea, water will be provided)

Saturday Jan 18                                                        (15-20 min)

7  am: Final door prize drawing, depart for home

We will also be hosting some of the Holmes, Harper, Emerson and DiVinci Jr High band students for the first ~2 hrs.
Please help make them feel welcome.

See you there,

DHS Band Boosters
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