[Dhsbb-jazz] DHS Band Boosters - Join us for an Exciting Week!

Horn, John A john.a.horn at intel.com
Tue Dec 8 09:45:45 PST 2015

Quite a few great things happening this week for the band.

Tuesday 12/8 (today):  Jazz Extravaganza Concert - the Jazz Band winter holiday concert - 7:30 pm this evening at the IPAB (Richard Brunelle Performance Hall)
Wednesday 12/9:  Coconut Grove kickoff meeting at Phil Bachand's house - see separate email
Thursday 12/10:  Winter Rhapsody Concert - DHS Concert and Symphonic Band's winter holiday concert - 7:30 pm at the IPAB.

Please join us for these events.


John Horn
DHS Band Booster Pres.
(916) 804-5017  cell
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