[DHS Bulletin] 04/22/2011

DHS Daily Bulletin dhsbulletin at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
Thu Apr 21 15:35:58 PDT 2011


Friday, April 22: 1st 7:45-8:35, 2nd 8:41-9:34, Break 9:34-9:38, TEST 9:44-11:42, and Lunch 11:42-12:28, 4th 12:34-1:27, 5th 1:33-2:26, and 6th 2:32-3:30 (Science)


Apr 22, 1970: The first Earth Day
Earth Day<http://www.history.com/topics/earth-day>, an event to increase public awareness of the world's environmental problems, is celebrated in the United States<http://www.history.com/topics/states> for the first time. Millions of Americans, including students from thousands of colleges and universities, participated in rallies, marches, and educational programs.


Baseball Frosh @ Pioneer                                            4:30;
B. Lacrosse JV vs. Northgate                                       6:00;
G. Soccer vs. Dixon                                                     5:00JV/7:00V


1. The Advanced Treble Choir will be holding auditions for the 2011-12 school year on May 19th in room PA8 at Davis High School. Anyone interested can pick up an application at DHS, room PA8, or in your schools office, or you may download the forms @ www.dhstreblechoir.org<http://www.dhstreblechoir.org>. The deadline for applications is May 5th.

2. If you missed Jostens when they were here and you didn't pick up your cap and gown they will be back to DHS on Wednesday, April 27 from 2-3:30. BE THERE!!!

3. SENIORS: Two local scholarship deadlines have been extended! The DSHS PTA Graduating Senior Award is for students who have helped build school spirit and/or participated in DSHS sponsored activities such as clubs or athletics. The Lily Nisen Memorial Scholarship is for students who played with AYSO in the U14 or older division. The new deadline for these scholarships is Friday, April 29. Come to the Scholarship and Financial Aid Office for an application!


1. The Davis High Madrigal Singers Benefit Concert Thursday, April 28th at 7 p.m. at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th Street, Sacramento. The choir will be performing under the direction of Madrigal Director Dr. Karen Gardias and Guest Conductor Fabio Avolio of Italy. Mr. Avolio is teacher of choir at the Conservatorio di Musica T. Schipa of Lecce, Italy and reserve organist of St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City, Rome. Donations will be collected at the conclusion of the concert for the Japan Earthquake Relief Fund.

2. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: All Things Right and Relevant thrift store is looking for volunteers to work in their East 8th Street location. Volunteers are needed to help customers, work the cash register, tag items in the store, and assist with other activities as needed. Come to the Scholarship and Financial Aid Office for more information and an application.

3. Attention Seniors! Do you have what it takes to be one of the Graduation Speech Presenters at this year's commencement ceremony? If so, written drafts must be submitted to Vice Principal McHale by 3:30 p.m. by Thursday, April 28th. Speeches must be less than 3 minutes in duration when presented. A speech should look ahead to your role as a member of the adult population and should move listeners to appreciate Davis Senior High School, as well as the memories and values it holds. Oral auditions before a panel of judges will be held on Tuesday, May 3rd during lunch in Room P-23. Good luck!

4. The Dance to End Hunger is back!!! Come support the Freedom from Hunger Club on Friday, April 29th at the Veteran's Memorial Center. Tickets are $7 and can be purchased at the door. In order to attend you need to RSVP by telling an FFH member, responding to the Facebook event, or signing up at the front office. Hope to see you there!!!

5. Things to remember: To complete the audition process if you are NOT intending on accepting your group placement you must email me ASAP, deadline Monday April 25th at amoreno at djusd.k12.ca.us<mailto:amoreno at djusd.k12.ca.us> It is very important to communicate your intentions because your seat will need to be filled from our waiting list. When you email me please indicate full name, instrument, student ID #, and your reason for not accepting. If you need an extension of time, email me your request and give me the date by which you expect to make your decision. If you are accepting your seat in an audition orchestra, do nothing. You will be automatically enrolled for next year.

6. Don't miss the second DHS Waffle Club meeting!! Come to the foods room in S-4, during lunch next Monday, April 25th to learn why breakfast is so important!

7. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: UC Davis is holding a robotics competition on April 30. Volunteers are needed that day to direct guests to the locations where competitions will be held. Community service hours and complementary t-shirts will be given to volunteers who attend the event. Come to the Scholarship and Financial Aid Office for more information.


1. Cafeteria: Meatloaf sandwich with potato salad, hot dog and baked beans, grilled veggie paninis, pizza, sanewich.

2. Attention: AP testing students!! If you have not filled out your answer sheets for all of you AP tests, please come to the Front Desk at lunch or after school on Thursday and Friday.

3. For those interested in volunteering with the Davis and Madison Migrant Centers, applications are due in N-13 this Friday, April 22 by 3:30pm.

4. The agriculture department will be selling lots of spring flowering annuals, herbs and vegetables. The sale will be Thursday-Friday April 21-22nd from 2:30-5:30 pm in the little oak street parking lot. Signs will be posted directing customers to the greenhouse. For more information contact agriculture teacher Amy Schulte at schulte.dhs at gmail.com<mailto:schulte.dhs at gmail.com>

5. SENIORS: Want to know who's going to Grad Night? Come to the Senior Bar-B-Que this Friday at the Stadium from 9:30 to Noon to check out the list. We're also selling tickets--$90 if you buy before May 31; after that its $110. Make checks payable to Davis Grad Night. Go to www.davisgradnight.org<http://www.davisgradnight.org> to get the form.


1. SENIORS: We want to know where you're going after high school! Acceptance notices from colleges are finally starting to arrive and decisions are being made about life after high school! Come to the Scholarship and Financial Aid Office and sign the WHERE ARE YOU GOING!? list and tell us if you'll be going to college, working, joining the military, traveling, studying abroad, or whatever your plans are. See you soon in the Scholarship and Financial Aid Office (located next to counseling).

2. Hey Seniors!! Senior Ball tickets are on sale this week. Prices are $70 w/ASB, $75 w/out. Be sure to have your student ID, money and your senior ball contract signed by your parents!!!

3. Attention Juniors and Seniors! If you are planning to miss school time to visit a college or colleges, please bring to the Attendance Office a written letter from your parents stating that you are visiting colleges prior to the visit! Please include the dates you will be gone and the names of the college/colleges you will be touring. If you bring prior notice to the Attendance Office, the absences can be excused. If you bring notice after the visit, your absence will be unexcused.

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