[env-trinity] Revised WY04 Trinity River Flow Release Schedule

Andreas Krause AKRAUSE at mp.usbr.gov
Fri Apr 30 08:22:57 PDT 2004


Reclamation has revised the release schedule for the Trinity River at
Lewiston based on the recommended flow schedule from the TMC. The daily
flow schedule and press release are shown below. 


>From Date	To Date	                Flow (cfs)
01-Oct-03	15-Oct-03	 450 
16-Oct-03	04-May-04	 300 
05-May-04	05-May-04	 2,000 
06-May-04	11-May-04	 2,500 
12-May-04	13-May-04	 3,000 
14-May-04	15-May-04	 4,500 
16-May-04	25-May-04	 6,000 
26-May-04	26-May-04	 5,700 
27-May-04	27-May-04	 5,400 
28-May-04	28-May-04	 5,100 
29-May-04	29-May-04	 4,800 
30-May-04	31-May-04	 4,500 
01-Jun-04	01-Jun-04	 4,200 
02-Jun-04	02-Jun-04	 3,900 
03-Jun-04	03-Jun-04	 3,600 
04-Jun-04	04-Jun-04	 3,300 
05-Jun-04	08-Jun-04	 3,000 
09-Jun-04	10-Jun-04	 2,800 
11-Jun-04	12-Jun-04	 2,600 
13-Jun-04	14-Jun-04	 2,400 
15-Jun-04	15-Jun-04	 2,300 
16-Jun-04	16-Jun-04	 2,200 
17-Jun-04	17-Jun-04	 2,100 
18-Jun-04	09-Jul-04	                2,000 
10-Jul-04	               10-Jul-04 	 1,700 
11-Jul-04 	11-Jul-04 	 1,500 
12-Jul-04 	12-Jul-04 	 1,350 
13-Jul-04 	13-Jul-04 	 1,200 
14-Jul-04 	14-Jul-04 	 1,050 
15-Jul-04 	15-Jul-04 	 950 
16-Jul-04 	16-Jul-04 	 850 
17-Jul-04 	17-Jul-04 	 750 
18-Jul-04 	18-Jul-04 	 675 
19-Jul-04 	19-Jul-04 	 600 
20-Jul-04 	20-Jul-04 	 550 
21-Jul-04 	21-Jul-04 	 500 
22-Jul-04 	30-Sep-04	 450 


A Ninth Circuit Court ruling on April 23 significantly increased the
volume available to the Trinity River.  The Court's ruling came as a
result of a request from the Hoopa Valley Tribe.  In December 2002, U.S.
District Court Judge Oliver Wanger limited the available volume of water
to 453,000 acre-feet pending completion of a final Supplemental
Environmental Impact Statement/Report.  The Ninth Circuit Court's
ruling, in response to the emergency motion, increased that volume to
647,000 acre-feet for this year.

The newly revised 2004 flow schedule will be finalized by the
Department of the Interior, based on a recommendation made by the
Trinity Management Council to achieve a wide variety of physical and
biological objectives.  This schedule will not only benefit smolt
(juvenile salmon and steelhead) growth and survival in late spring and
early summer, but will also achieve substantial geomorphic benefits by
flushing large accumulations of fine sediment that have been deposited
over the past two years, move and redeposit gravel, and scour 1-2 year
old riparian vegetation that has re-encroached along the channel's edge,
all of which will improve habitat conditions throughout the system.

Under the newly approved flow schedule, current releases from Lewiston
Dam to the Trinity River will continue at 300 cubic feet per second
(cfs) through Tuesday, May 4, ramp up to 2,500 cfs by Thursday, May 6,
and then continue up to 6,000 cfs by Sunday, May 16.  The schedule calls
for these releases to continue at 6,000 cfs from May 16 through Tuesday,
May 25, gradually ramping down to 2,000 cfs by June 18, and finally
reaching the summer base level of 450 cfs by July 22.

The new flow release schedule is available online at Reclamation's
Central Valley Operations (CVO) web site at www.usbr.gov/mp/cvo

For additional information, please call Jeffrey McCracken in
Reclamation's Public Affairs Office at 916-978-5100 (TDD 916-978-5608). 
You may also contact Doug Schleusner at the Trinity River Restoration
Program at 530-623-1800 or Tom Morstein-Marx at CVO at 916-979-2196,
(TDD 916-979-2183).

Andreas Krause, P.E.
Physical Scientist
Trinity River Restoration Program
P.O. Box 1300 (mailing address)
1313 South Main St. (physical address)
Weaverville, CA 96093
Phone:530-623-1807; Fax 530-623-5944

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