[env-trinity] Trinity Management Council Agenda for 9/29-30

Tom Stokely tstokely at trinityalps.net
Fri Sep 24 15:28:41 PDT 2004

If anybody wants any of the supporting information for this meeting, please send me a private e-mail to tstokely at trinityalps.net.

Tom Stokely

Draft Agenda


Wildland Fire Facility; Hoopa, CA

September 29-30, 2004



Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Time                                        Topic and Purpose                                        Discussion Leader

Regular Business:

 9:00                Introduction:  Validation of agenda items; Approval of            Mike Ryan, Chair

                        6/30/04, 7/27/04, 8/2/04, and 8/20/04 TMC minutes 


 9:15                Open Forum:  Comments from the public                          Mike Ryan


 9:30                Report from TMC Chair:                                                              Mike Ryan


 9:45                Report from TAMWG Chair:                                                  Arnold Whitridge


10:00               Report from Executive Director:  Project updates;             Doug Schleusner 

                        Staffing; Q&A


Working Session:

10:15               TMC Subcommittee Report: Non-Budget Items              Curtis Anderson 

                                                                                                                        TMC Members


11:00               Break 


Working Session:

11:15               TMC Subcommittee Report: Non-Budget Items              Curtis Anderson 

                                                                                                                        TMC Members


12:30   Lunch (provided by Hoopa Valley Tribe on-site)


Working Session:

 1:30                TMC Subcommittee Report: Non-Budget Items              Curtis Anderson 

                                                                                                                        TMC Members


 3:00                Break


 3:15                TMC Subcommittee Report: Non-Budget Items              Curtis Anderson 

                                                                                                                        TMC Members


 5:00                Adjourn for the day                                                                  Mike Ryan



Thursday, September 30, 2004


Time                                        Topic and Purpose                                        Discussion Leader

Presentation and Discussion:

 8:30                Fall Flows Monitoring Results; Fish Run Data                    Joe Polos, FWS

                                                                                                                        Neil Manji, DFG


Presentation and Discussion:

 9:15                Role of Fisheries Management in TRRP                                 George Kautsky, HVT

                                                                                                                        Dr. Dave Hankin


 9:45                Break 


Presentation and Discussion:

10:00               Draft Action Plan: TRRP Science Program                      Andreas Krause, TRRP

                                                                                                                        Curtis Anderson, SubCom


Presentation and Discussion:

11:00               Science Framework and ESSA Contract                                  Dave Marmorek, 

                                                                                                                        President, ESSA 


12:00   Lunch (provided by Hoopa Valley Tribe on-site)



Working Session:

 1:00                Discuss and Finalize FY05 Budget                                      TMC Members

                                                                                                                        Doug Schleusner 


 2:45                Break


 3:00                Discuss and Finalize FY05 Budget                                      TMC Members 

                                                                                                                        Doug Schleusner 


Regular Business:

 4:30                Open Forum:  Comments from the public                          Mike Ryan


 4:45                Calendars:  Confirm next meeting date and location            Mike Ryan

                        (Tentatively December __ at Weaverville)


 5:00                Adjourn                                                                                    Mike Ryan






Hoopa, Willow Creek, and Weaverville Hotels




Tsewenaldin Inn 

Hwy 96

P.O. Box 219

Hoopa, CA  95546



Willow Creek 


Bigfoot Motel 

39039 Hwy 299

P.O. Box 508

Willow Creek, CA  95573




Willow Creek Motel 

375 Hwy 96

Willow Creek, CA  95573





Best Western Victorian Inn 

1709 Main Street 

Weaverville, CA  96093


www.bestwestern.com  (look for Weaverville hotels)


49er Gold Country Inn 

718 Main Street 

Weaverville, CA  96093




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