[env-trinity] Public Hearing Scheduled on Draft EIS on CVP contracts

Byron bwl3 at comcast.net
Mon Oct 18 10:52:41 PDT 2004

Two weeks after notifying the contractors that there would be a public
hearing on this draft EIS, word just came that Reclamation is also
announcing it to the public via the following press release.  Please note
that the location has now changed but the date and time are the same.

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:scervantes at mp.usbr.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2004 10:46 AM
Subject: Public Hearing Scheduled on Draft EIS

Folks - Reclamation issued the following press release today, Thursday,
October 14, 2004.

Thank you
Sam Cervantes
Public Affairs Office
Bureau of Reclamation


Mid-Pacific Region
Sacramento, CA


Media Contact: Jeffrey McCracken  916-978-5100
        jmccracken at mp.usbr.gov
For Release On:  October 14, 2004

Public Hearing Scheduled on Sacramento River Settlement Contractors Draft
Environmental Document

The Bureau of Reclamation announces the availability of the Draft
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the proposed long-term renewal of
Central Valley Project settlement contracts between Reclamation and up to
145 Sacramento River Settlement Contractors.  The proposed contract renewals
allow for the continued diversion of up to approximately 1.8 million
acre-feet of Base Supply water per year and approximately 380,000 acre-feet
of Project Water per year for agricultural and municipal and industrial uses
for an additional 40 years.

A public hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, October, 27, 2004, at the
Monday Afternoon Club, 120 North Lassen Street, Willows, CA, from 3 p.m. to
6 p.m.

The Draft EIS was prepared in accordance with the National Environmental
Policy Act and was made available for a 45-day public review and comment
period on October 8, 2004.  To access the draft document online, go to
www.usbr.gov/mp/cvpia/3404c/index.html, click on Draft EISs, and scroll to
Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Renewal of Sacramento River
Settlement Contracts.  The associated long-term contracts began a separate
60-day public review on July 9, 2004.

The Draft EIS can also be reviewed at the following Reclamation offices:
Northern California Area Office, 16349 Shasta Dam Boulevard, Shasta Lake,
CA; Red Bluff Division Office, 22500 Altube Road, Red Bluff, CA; Willows
Office, 1140 West Wood Street, Willows, CA; and Regional Office, Public
Affairs Office, 2800 Cottage Way, Sacramento, CA.

Written comments must be received by close of business on Monday, November
15, 2004, and should be sent to:  Mr. Buford Holt, Bureau of Reclamation,
Northern California Area Office, 16349 Shasta Dam Boulevard, Shasta Lake, CA
96019.  Comments may also be faxed to Mr. Holt at 530-275-2441 or e-mailed
to bholt at mp.usbr.gov.  For additional information or to request a copy of
the draft document, contact Mr. Holt at 530-276-2047, TDD 530-275-8991.

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