[env-trinity] TMC Meeting June 21 -22 Draft Agenda

Josh Allen jallen at trinitycounty.org
Thu Jun 16 14:43:14 PDT 2005

Hi All,


This email is to inform you that there is an upcoming Trinity Management Committee meeting next week, June 21 & 22, at the Red Lion Inn in Eureka. Please feel free to attend as this is a public meeting subject to the Brown Act, California Government Code §§ 54950-54962 <http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/cacodes/gov/54950-54962.html>  . The following is the draft agenda for the meeting:


Draft Agenda


Red Lion Inn, Eureka, CA

June 21-22, 2005


Tuesday, June 21, 2005


                                                Topic, Purpose and/or

Time                                       Decision to be Made                                      Discussion Leader


Regular Business:

12:30               Introduction:  Validate agenda items; Approve TMC          Mike Long, Vice-Chair

                        Minutes for 4/14/05 (and prior meetings) 

12:45               Open Forum:  Comments from the public                            Mike Long

 1:00                Report from TMC Chair:                                                    Mike Long

 1:15                Report from TAMWG Chair:                                             Arnold Whitridge

 1:30                Report from Executive Director: Program updates             Doug Schleusner 


Information Item:

 2:00                Update on July 13-14th Principals Conference                   Doug Schleusner

                        Discuss draft agenda topics, desired outcomes, roles 

of participants, TMC support, field tour, other logistics 


2:30     Break


Information Item:

 2:45                Sediment Monitoring Contract                                            Andreas Krause

                        Overview of process, objectives, and results to date


Information Item:

 3:15                Update on Potential Late Summer Flows                           Mike Long

                        Criteria for determining onset of die-off conditions;               Katharine Carter (KFHAT?)

Present conditions, Acquisition of water by                            Pablo Arroyave

Reclamation; Monitoring coordination                                   Rod Wittler


 4:30                Adjourn for the day                                                              Mike Long




Wednesday, June 22, 2005


                                                Topic, Purpose and/or

Time                                       Decision to be Made                                      Discussion Leader


Action Item 1[1]:

 8:30                FY2006 Budget                                 

                        Review, modify (if necessary), and approve budget for 

FY2006 program of work

*         Overview of budget picture                                        Doug Schleusner

*         Details of Implementation Budget (RIG)                  Ed Solbos

*         Details of Modeling & Analysis Budget (TMAG)     Rod Wittler

*         Details of Program Administration Budget                Doug Schleusner


10:30   Break


Action Item 1:

10:45               FY2006 Budget (cont.) 

                        Review, modify (if necessary), and approve budget for 

FY2006 program of work

*         TMC discussion and decision                                     Mike Long


12:30   Lunch 


Action Item 2:

 1:45                Full ROD Program Cost Estimates                                     Doug Schleusner

                        Review and discuss full implementation budgets                     TMC members

*         Overview, continued updates/refinements                 TRRP staff

*         Concept of supplemental appropriation for 

realty costs and structure modifications

*         Other sources of funding, Principals Conference

*         Future agency budget requests (FY2008)


3:00     Break


Information Item:

 3:15                U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Budget                                Mike Long

                        Explanation of budget request and funding allocation

                        process for Trinity River activities (tentative)


Regular Business:

 3:30                Open Forum:  Comments from the public                            Mike Long

 3:45                Calendars:  Confirm next meeting date and location            Mike Long

                        (Tentatively September __ at Weaverville)


 4:00                Adjourn                                                                                 Mike Long





[1] Refer to attached briefing paper for more information.

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