[env-trinity] SDIP Action Alert

Byron bwl3 at comcast.net
Wed Feb 1 14:43:00 PST 2006




It would be extremely helpful if you could send this letter to Mr. Paul
Marshall before February 7, deadline for comments on the so-called South
Delta Improvement Program.  Implementation of this project to increase
vastly the pumping of water south out of the San Francisco Bay Delta could
have significant adverse implications for Trinity River restoration.  This
is an extremely important issue for our collapsing Delta, for all Northern
California rivers and for the Trinity River in particular.


You can cut and paste this letter, date it, add your name and address and
mail, email or fax it to Mr. Marshall.  I'd very much appreciate receiving
blind copies of your letters.


Many thanks for your help.


Byron Leydecker


Mr. Paul A. Marshall

California Department of Water Resources

1416 9th Street - 2nd Floor

Sacramento, CA 95814


Email:  marshall at water.ca.gov <mailto:mford at water.ca.gov> 

Fax:      916 653 6077


Dear Mr. Marshall: 


I am writing to urge you to drop plans for additional pumping from the
California Bay-Delta as currently proposed in the South Delta "Improvements"
Program (SDIP), especially while the Delta is experiencing an historic
ecosystem collapse. 


Most urgently, I request that you withdraw the highly flawed Draft
Environmental Impact Report/Statement for SDIP. If the project claims to
improve water quality and fish survival you must examine an alternative to
the project that accomplishes these goals by significantly reducing Delta
pumping from current levels. 


We have more reliable, more cost-effective and more environmentally friendly
ways to provide abundant water for California's future. These options
include water use efficiency and water recycling and are outlined in the
Department of Water Resources' draft "California Water Plan Update" and
Water for California's "Investment Strategy for California Water" (prepared
by the Planning and Conservation League). 


Together we must make sensible and sustainable water policy decisions that
conserve the Delta and our rivers, to keep our state beautiful, vibrant and
strong. The survival of the Delta depends upon your agency's actions. Please
support the recovery of the Delta and say NO to increased pumping.


Also, please include me on your mailing list to be notified of any decisions
or activities concerning this project.


Yours very truly,


Your Name

Your Address


Byron Leydecker

Chair, Friends of Trinity River

Advisor, California Trout, Inc

PO Box 2327

Mill Valley, CA 94942-2327

415 383 4810 ph

415 383 9562 fx

bwl3 at comcast.net

bleydecker at stanfordalumni.org





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