[env-trinity] Money for More Dams in Proposed State Bond

John Dracup dracup at ce.berkeley.edu
Mon Mar 13 14:16:29 PST 2006

Dear Byron,  There are compelling reasons not to build new on-line (dams 
  located across streams and rivers that block the streamflow) in 
California.  However, about 60 studies on the impact of global warming 
in California have shown that this oncoming threat will bring more water 
to California farms and cities when we don't need it, i.e., earlier in 
the year,  and less water when we need it, i.e., during the current 
summer irrigation months.  This is due to the reduced snow storage that 
will occur in the mountains.  This will require California to build more 
storage for water.  I believe that these new storages should be 
off-line, such as MWD's Diamond Valley Lake and DWR's Los Banos unit. 
Regards,  John Dracup

Byron wrote:
> *To all who those who care about our rivers and fish... *
> * *
> *Please call all State Assembly and Senate Democrats that you can.*
> * *
> *Call them this afternoon, or at the latest, Tuesday.*
> * *
> *Urge them NOT to vote for a Bond that contains significant money for 
> new dams.*
> * *
> *Under consideration is language that includes millions for Temperance 
> Flat Dam on the San Joaquin River, and Sites Reservoir that would take 
> even more water out of the Sacramento River. *
> * *
> *These dams do not pass the most rudimentary tests of economics or 
> reliable water supply. The only way to get them built is with public 
> money, in this case money to be repaid by our grandchildren, NOT project 
> beneficiaries.  Future generations also will suffer the consequences of 
> grave damage to the environment.*
> * *
> *To get contact information for Assembly Members and Senators, go to: 
>  www.assembly.ca.gov <http://www.assembly.ca.gov> and www.senate.ca.gov 
> <http://www.senate.ca.gov>*
> //Byron Leydecker//
> //Chair, Friends of Trinity River//
> //Advisor, California Trout, Inc//
> //PO Box//// 2327//
> //Mill Valley////, CA 94942-2327//
> //415 383 4810 ph//
> //415 383 9562 fx//
> //bwl3 at comcast.net <mailto:bwl3 at comcast.net>//
> //bleydecker at stanfordalumni.org <mailto:bleydecker at stanfordalumni.org>//
> //http://www.fotr.org//
> //_http:www.caltrout.org_ //
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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John A. Dracup
Professor of the Graduate School
Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Room 625, Davis Hall
Mail Code 1710
University of California
Berkeley, CA. 94720-1710

dracup at ce.berkeley.edu

Phone:  510-643-4306
Fax:    510-643-4307
Cell phone:  415-519-1101

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