[env-trinity] Public Notice of EA for Trinity River Coarse SedimentInjection/Rehabilitation Project

Brandt Gutermuth BGUTERMUTH at mp.usbr.gov
Wed Mar 15 17:08:24 PST 2006


I've had several questions about this coarse sediment (gravel) placement planned for August 2006 at the Trinity River Hatchery site -  
This important joint Forest Service/Trinity River Restoration Program project Environmental Assessment is on the web now at the address above. 

Please address comments to Hide Wenham at the above address or by e-mail
at: comments-pacificsouthwest-shasta-trinity at fs.fed.us. If you have any questions, you may reach Hide at (530) 226-2432

Best Regards-

Brandt Gutermuth, Environmental Specialist
Trinity River Restoration Program
PO Box 1300 (mailing) 
1313 Main Street (physical address)
Weaverville, CA  96093
(530) 623-1806 voice; (530) 623-5944 fax
Bgutermuth at mp.usbr.gov

>>> "Tom Stokely" <tstokely at trinityalps.net> 3/7/2006 5:33:58 PM >>>
This was posted at the request of hwenham at fs.fed.us: 

The letter incorrectly states that the preliminary version of the EA is available on our website, at this time it is not on the website.

On Thursday, March 9, 2006 the EA will be available to view/download on the website. If someone would like a copy prior to March 9, I can send them either email or U.S. Mail a copy of the preliminary EA. My contact information is in the letter.


Hide Wenham, Range Planner

Shasta-Trinity National Forest

3644 Avtech Parkway

Redding, CA 96002

(530) 226-2432

Pursuant to 36 CFR 215.6, the Forest Service is accepting public comments substantive to the Trinity River Coarse Sediment Injection and Rehabilitation Project Environmental Assessment (EA). A preliminary version of the EA is available on the Shasta-Trinity website, http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/shastatrinity.

My proposed decision is to implement Alternative 2, which is designed to benefit anadromous fish and their habitat by restoring coarse sediment supplies and developing diverse floodplain and main river channel habitat.

This restoration project complements rehabilitation activities of the U.S.

Bureau of Reclamation and is consistent with measures required for the restoration of the Trinity River mainstem fishery. We propose to 1) deliver and place approximately 5,100 cubic yards of coarse material within a 1,800 foot reach of the Trinity River, and 2) manipulate a river bank and portions of the riverbed to best accommodate this coarse material. The project site is located downstream from Lewiston Dam and adjacent to the Trinity River Fish Hatchery. The coarse material will be washed prior to placement and will originate in the Trinity River basin. Coarse material levels will be maintained into the future at this site as needed and provided funding is available. I am the responsible official for this proposed project.

Comments will be accepted through the close of business 30 days following the date of publication of the legal notice in the Record Searchlight.

Please address comments to Hide Wenham at the above address or by e-mail

at: comments-pacificsouthwest-shasta-trinity at fs.fed.us. If you have any questions, you may reach Hide at (530) 226-2432

Please provide the following information when submitting comments:

· Your name, address and telephone number

· Project Title (Trinity River Coarse Sediment Injection and

Rehabilitation Project EA)

· Specific substantive comments (36 CFR 215.2) along with supporting

information you would like to be considered in reaching a decision

· Your signature and other verification of identity upon request


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| /s/ J. Sharon Heywood |




| Forest Supervisor |


-------End of letter--------

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