[env-trinity] Fw: TAMWG Watershed "committee"

Tom Stokely tstokely at trinityalps.net
Thu May 25 09:30:45 PDT 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Pat Frost - TCRCD" <pfrost at tcrcd.net>
To: "Doug Schleusner" <DSCHLEUSNER at mp.usbr.gov>; <s1anders at blm.gov>; 
<Jim.Spear at ca.usda.gov>; <lchilton at ci.redding.ca.us>; <bwl3 at comcast.net>; 
<NManji at dfg.ca.gov>; <sturek at dfg.ca.gov>; 
<srosekrans at environmentaldefense.org>; <leverest at fs.fed.us>; 
<sheywood at fs.fed.us>; <wbrock at fs.fed.us>; <Joe_Polos at fws.gov>; 
<michael_long at fws.gov>; <abbstock at hotmail.com>; <jrhartmann at impulse.net>; 
"Brian Person" <BPerson at mp.usbr.gov>; <esoderstrom at n-h-i.org>; 
<yen2fish at netzero.net>; <irma.lagomarsino at noaa.gov>; 
<Margaret.Tauzer at noaa.gov>; <rick.rogers at noaa.gov>; 
<naypooie at northcoast.com>; <director at pcweb.net>; <fishwater at pcweb.net>; 
<hupafish at pcweb.net>; <caltrout at sbcglobal.net>; <awhitridge at snowcrest.net>; 
<hayden at snowcrest.net>; <rlorenz at snowcrest.net>; <splash at snowcrest.net>; 
<tsh at snowcrest.net>; <sergebirk at starband.net>; <tstokely at trinityalps.net>; 
<hfreeman at trinitycounty.org>; <jallen at trinitycounty.org>; 
<rjaegel at trinitycounty.org>; <splash at trinityriverrafting.com>; 
<curtisa at water.ca.gov>; <jeff at weavervilleinfo.com>
Cc: <srothert at americanrivers.org>; <ahayden at environmentaldefense.org>; 
<bcm11 at humboldt.edu>; <Scott at mcbaintrush.com>; "Andreas Krause" 
<AKRAUSE at mp.usbr.gov>; "Brandt Gutermuth" <BGUTERMUTH at mp.usbr.gov>; "Diana 
Clifton" <DCLIFTON at mp.usbr.gov>; "Dave Gaeuman" <DGAEUMAN at mp.usbr.gov>; 
"Deanna Jackson" <DLJACKSON at mp.usbr.gov>; "Denise Wiltse" 
<DMWILTSE at mp.usbr.gov>; "Ed Solbos" <ESOLBOS at mp.usbr.gov>; "John Klochak" 
<JKLOCHAK at mp.usbr.gov>; "Jeffrey McCracken" <JMCCRACKEN at mp.usbr.gov>; "Joe 
Riess" <JRIESS at mp.usbr.gov>; "Nina Hemphill" <NHEMPHILL at mp.usbr.gov>; 
"Priscilla Henson" <PHENSON at mp.usbr.gov>; "Rod Wittler" 
<RJWITTLER at mp.usbr.gov>; "Tom Morstein-Marx" <TMORSTEINMARX at mp.usbr.gov>; 
<fishman2 at pcweb.net>; <joensuz at thegrid.net>; "Noreen Doyas - TCRCD" 
<ndoyas at tcrcd.net>; "Tiffany Riess" <tiffany.riess at ca.usda.gov>; "Randi 
Paris" <Randi.paris at ca.usda.gov>; "Dan Westermeyer" <dwestermeyer at tcrcd.net>
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 12:45 PM
Subject: Re: TAMWG Watershed "committee"

> After a very successful kick-off meeting of the TRRP watershed group 
> organized by Andreas on May 3rd, Jim Spear & I have decided to bring folks 
> together for two purposes:
> [1] Begin the dialogue & planning to organize a Trinity River Coordinated 
> Resource Management Planning (CRMP) group to represent the broad interests 
> of landowners, land managers and folks interested in the restoration of 
> tributaries to the River. The South Fork CRMP was a very effective 
> organization that helped point the way fro all of the significant work 
> that has been done & is still planned in that watershed.
> [2] Engage in some project prioritization for the upcoming FY budget  for 
> tributaries.
> I know it is short notice, and apologize. we will be meeting at the 
> RCD/NRCS Conference Room in Weaverville (Horseshoe Lane) at 1000 am on May 
> 31st.
> If you can't attend, but have some thoughts on either of these topics, 
> please feel free to zap them to Jim & me and we will share them with the 
> group.  If you know of someone, who would be interested, but that isn't on 
> this email list, pass the message on.
> Thanks
> Pat Frost
> TCRCD 530-623-6004 

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