[env-trinity] Draft Indian Creek Rehab Site EA/EIR available for 45 day public review

Brandt Gutermuth BGUTERMUTH at mp.usbr.gov
Thu Aug 3 13:54:13 PDT 2006

Dear Trinity River Enthusiasts-

The Trinity River Restoration Program office of the Bureau of
Reclamation (the Federal lead agency) and the Trinity County Planning
Department (the State lead agency) announce the availability of a Draft
Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment (Draft EIR/EA) for
the "Indian Creek Rehabilitation Site:  Trinity River Mile 93.7 to
96.5" (Project).  The joint document is being prepared under guidance
of the Trinity River Restoration Program (TRRP) and meets California
Environmental Quality Act and National Environmental Policy Act

The Project would implement provisions of the Secretary of the
Interior's December 19, 2000, Record of Decision (ROD) for the Trinity
River Mainstem Fishery Restoration.  Physical channel rehabilitation is
identified in the ROD as a necessary step towards restoration of the
Trinity River's anadromous fishery and fulfillment of the Federal
government's tribal trust responsibility.  The purpose of the proposed
Project is to provide increased juvenile salmonid rearing habitat on the
mainstem Trinity River and reduce impacts to homes and other
improvements located adjacent to the Trinity River from the
implementation of flows required by the ROD.  The Project is expected to
accomplish this by re-contouring bank and floodplain features starting
in fall/winter 2006-2007 and completing in-channel modifications during
summer 2007.  

Trinity County has received financial support for Project
implementation from the California Department of Fish and Game's
Fisheries Restoration Grant Program and from the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency's (EPA) Targeted Watershed Grants Program.  Trinity
County is working as a partner agency under the EPA program with the
Yurok Tribe and the Trinity County Resource Conservation District.

The Draft EIR/EA is available for a 45-day public review and comment
period.  It may be viewed on the TRRP website at
http://www.trrp.net/RestorationProgram/IndianCreek.htm or on
Reclamation's Mid-Pacific Region website at
The document may also be viewed at the TRRP Office, 1313 South Main
Street, Weaverville, or the Trinity County Library, 211 North Main
Street, Weaverville.

Comments must be received by close of business September 18, 2006, and
should be sent to Mr. Brandt Gutermuth, Trinity River Restoration
Program, P.O. Box 1300, Weaverville, CA  96093, or e-mailed to
bgutermuth at mp.usbr.gov.  For further information or to request a copy
of the Draft EIR/EA, please contact Mr. Gutermuth at 530-623-1806.

Best Regards-

Brandt Gutermuth, Environmental Specialist
Trinity River Restoration Program
PO Box 1300 (mailing) 
1313 Main Street (physical address)
Weaverville, CA  96093
(530) 623-1806 voice; (530) 623-5944 fax
Bgutermuth at mp.usbr.gov

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