[env-trinity] Another Alternative for the Indian Creek Rehabilitation Project

Brandt Gutermuth BGUTERMUTH at mp.usbr.gov
Fri Nov 17 16:57:46 PST 2006

Dear Trinity River enthusiasts - 

In response to comments, a Value Engineering study, and general need to do more with less, the Trinity River Restoration Program and Trinity County are developing another alternative for the Indian Creek Project. Details on this alternative and an environmental document which reviews its impacts will be published in December for public review as a Revised EA/Recirculated Partial EIR (EA/REIR). 

Below is a letter that has been sent to commenters on the Public Draft EA/EIR and local Indian Creek landowners. The upcoming EA/REIR will be posted on the TRRP's website at:

http://www.trrp.net/RestorationProgram/IndianCreek.htm and at 

Reclamation's Mid-Pacific Region website at: http://www.usbr.gov/mp/nepa/nepa_projdetails.cfm?Project_ID=2094 

Happy Thanksgiving week -

LETTER  BELOW  ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Subject: Indian Creek Rehabilitation Site: Trinity River Mile 93.7 to 96.5
Revised Environmental Assessment/Recirculated Partial Environmental Impact Report 

To: Interested Parties, Indian Creek Rehabilitation Site:

Under guidance of the Trinity River Restoration Program (TRRP), the Bureau of Reclamation (federal lead agency), and the Trinity County Planning Department (state lead agency) are developing a new alternative (Alternative 3) for the Indian Creek Rehabilitation Site: Trinity River Mile 93.7 to 96.5 (Project). A project description and impact analysis for this new alternative will be released for public review as part of a revised Environmental Assessment/Recirculated Environmental Impact Report (EA/REIR). The EA portion of this document will meet National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) needs, while the recirculated segment of the EIR will follow California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines §15088.5 for recirculation of some or all portions of a draft EIR when significant new information is added after public notice is given. The new alternative is being developed to enhance the TRRP's ability to address the goals and objectives outlined in the EA/Draft EIR for the Project. Specifically, the goal of conducting in-channel activities in a manner that reduces construction-related impacts, maximizes the rivers ability to rehabilitate itself during high flows, and reduces the cost and complexity of implementation, will be incorporated into this new alternative.

This alternative is responsive to information provided during the public review of the EA/Draft EIR and the outcome of a Value Engineering Study conducted in October 2006. Additionally, this alternative would assist the TRRP in developing a source of alluvial material that can be utilized for on-going spawning gravel enhancement efforts upstream. The EA/REIR will be available for 45 day public review and comment starting in December 2006. 

The fundamental purpose and need of the Indian Creek Rehabilitation Project remains unchanged: 1) to increase juvenile salmonid rearing habitat, and 2) to reduce Trinity River flow impacts to structural improvements. Alternative 3 provides opportunities to reduce overall project costs by decreasing in-channel construction and reducing the overall quantity and area of excavation. The project boundary has been modified to encompass an alternative access route to the activity areas in the vicinity of the Weaver Creek delta. These changes will be examined in the environmental analysis documented in the EA/REIR. 

Alternative 3, if selected, would utilize on-site processing of excavated alluvial materials (e.g., sand, gravel, cobbles) from the Trinity River floodplain resulting from rehabilitation activities. This material could be incorporated into other TRRP restoration projects (spawning gravel enhancement) and may provide opportunities to defray costs for processing and transport. Transport of processed materials to off-site locations would further reduce potential of on-site environmental impacts resulting from placement of excavated materials within the project boundary. 

After a 45 day public review period for the EA/REIR, comments on this new information will be consolidated and responded to in an EA/Final EIR along with comments received on the original EA/Draft EIR. The final document will be used by federal and state agencies to satisfy the NEPA/CEQA requirements and provide the basis for the various permits, authorizations and approvals necessary to implement the project. The project schedule would be revised, with an anticipated implementation date of summer 2007, when impacts to fish and wildlife from in-channel work may be minimized. 

If you have further questions on the Indian Creek Rehabilitation Project prior to completion of the recirculated draft, please contact Trinity County Planner, Joshua Allen, at (530) 623-1351 (x 3407) or jallen at trinitycounty.org or TRRP Environmental Specialist, Brandt Gutermuth, at (530) 623-2318 or bgutermuth at mp.usbr.gov.


John Jelicich                                     Douglas Schleusner
Planning Director                              Executive Director
Trinity County                                   Trinity River Restoration Program
CEQA - Lead Agency                       NEPA - Lead Agency

Brandt Gutermuth, Environmental Specialist
Trinity River Restoration Program
PO Box 1300 (mailing) 
1313 Main Street (physical address)
Weaverville, CA  96093
(530) 623-1806 voice; (530) 623-5944 fax
Bgutermuth at mp.usbr.gov

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