[env-trinity] KLAMATH RIVERKEEPER NOW HIRING:Klamath Riverkeeper Development and Outreach director

Josh Allen jallen at trinitycounty.org
Tue Jun 5 11:42:33 PDT 2007

KLAMATH RIVERKEEPER NOW HIRING: Klamath Riverkeeper Development and
Outreach director 


The Klamath Riverkeeper is a non-profit dedicated to Klamath water
quality and fisheries.  


Position responsibilities include: grant writing, budgeting, and
cultivating high donors, along with managing newsletters, events,
mailers, membership, volunteers, and a website. Excellent research,
organizational, computer and writing skills needed. Prior environmental
and social activism experience preferred. 


Applicant must have a collage degree or prior non-profit experience, and
be self-motivated. 


Applicant must be able to work with Native Americans, labor
organizations, and rural communities. Legal, bookkeeping, graphic design
or scientific background preferred. 


For a full description check klamathriver.org, or email
Klamath at riseup.net.


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