[env-trinity] Watershed Council Meeting

Alex Cousins acousins at tcrcd.net
Thu Jul 5 14:56:27 PDT 2007

In order to avoid a conflict with the TRRP Design Team Meeting, the 
Watershed Council meeting that was sheduled for the 10th of July is 
canceled.  I would like to reschedule for the week of the 16th.  If 
Tuesday afternoon, July, 17th, works for most of you, that date would be 
preferable.  I know that is the same day as the Board of Superviosors 
meets, and could be a conflict for anyone who has an item on the agenda, 
so please check you schedule.  
Please put on your calender a tentative date, to be confirmed early next 
week, for July 17th, at 2pm-5pm at the Trinity PUD.

A few items to be discussed are:
    TRRP proposed 2007 projects
    TRRP funding process
    Long term plan for the Watershed Council

Alex Cousins
Trinity County RCD
PO Box 1450
Weaverville, CA 96093

530-623-6004 Phone
530-623-6006 Fax
acousins at tcrcd.net

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