[env-trinity] Public Meeting - Statewide Watershed Program Public Advisory Committee

Mark Dowdle - TCRCD mdowdle at tcrcd.net
Wed Apr 16 14:24:08 PDT 2008

Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 12:27 PM
Subject: Public Meeting - Statewide Watershed Program Public Advisory 

Public Meeting - Statewide Watershed Program Public Advisory Committee

From:               Martha Davis and Robert Meacher

Co-Chairs, Public Advisory Committee

Statewide Watershed Program

The California Statewide Watershed Program Public Advisory Committee 
(Committee) has scheduled a public forum to provide an update on progress in 
developing an initial draft framework for the Statewide Watershed Program. 
The public is invited to attend to discuss the update with the Committee 

California Resources Agency Secretary Mike Chrisman, appointed the 24-member 
Public Advisory Committee. They are to make recommendations to him on 
development and conduct of a new Statewide Watershed Program (Program). The 
Committee also provides guidance and feedback on Program development and 
implementation, and the members serve as liaison with their regions.

The Committee has proposed in a draft purpose statement that the Program is 
"to advance sustainable watershed-based management of California's natural 
resources through community-based strategies." That statement and other 
elements of the Program are in response to the comments received in the 
dozens of regional conversations throughout the state.

The Committee and Program staff have nearly completed an initial series of 
public meetings within the ten major hydrologic regions of the State. More 
than twenty-five public meetings have been held at which hundreds of 
individuals from a variety of interests have attended to enter comments and 
ideas. The Committee has also received individual oral, written comments, as 
well as survey responses regarding development of the Statewide Watershed 

Friday, April 25, 2008

1:30 - 3:00 PM

Main Auditorium

Secretary of State's Office

1500 11th Street

Sacramento, CA

Please contact Dan Wermiel (dan.wermiel at conservation.ca.gov) or Dennis 
Bowker (dennisbowker at volcano.net) with questions.

Thank you.

Martha Davis and Robert Meacher

Co-Chairs, Public Advisory Committee

Statewide Watershed Program

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