[env-trinity] Salmonid Restoration Federation Conference March 2009

Byron bwl3 at comcast.net
Thu Jul 3 11:12:34 PDT 2008


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 Salmonid Restoration Federation


 SRFLogo <http://calsalmon.org/images/SRF_Logo_2006.jpg> 

27th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference
Save the Date: March 4-7, 2009 Santa Cruz, CA

The 27th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference will include a plenary
session, field tours, workshops, and concurrent sessions focused on
biological, physical, and policy issues that affect salmonids. Workshops
will include fish passage and dam removal techniques. SRF will post the Call
for Abstracts in August. Feel free to email  <mailto:srf at calsalmon.org>
srf at calsalmon.org with your suggestions for topics.


EPA Announces Two Watershed Funding Opportunities
Proposals due August 25, 2008

1&e=EeZgc1Kbku> U.S. EPA Announces Two Watershed Funding Opportunities 

e&e=EeZgc1Kbku> West Coast Estuaries Initiative - CA Coast: 
U.S. EPA seeks proposals under this announcement for projects that conserve,
restore and protect the water quality, habitat and environment of California
coastal waters, estuaries, bays and near shore waters through comprehensive
approaches to water quality management. The emphasis is on supporting
implementation activities based on existing plans, such as Comprehensive
Conservation Management Plans (Clean Water Act Section 320), State programs
such as Integrated Regional Water Management Plans, and local watershed
plans. Three to five grants or cooperative agreements will be awarded. The
federal share of the awards will range from approximately $250,000 to no
more than $1,000,000 each with project periods of three to five years.
Proposals are due by August 25, 2008. Contact: Ephraim D. Leon-Guerrero,
<mailto:leon-guerrero.ephraim at epa.gov> leon-guerrero.ephraim at epa.gov, (415)

7&e=EeZgc1Kbku> San Francisco Bay Area Water Quality Improvement Fund: 
U.S. EPA seeks proposals for projects that restore and protect the water
quality, habitat and environment of the San Francisco Bay and its watersheds
through comprehensive approaches to water quality management. U.S. EPA is
soliciting proposals for demonstration projects and studies of approaches
that will focus on the effectiveness of an integrated approach for the
following water quality priorities: Invasive species management; Reduction
of trash in our waterways; Innovative wetlands restoration; Stormwater
management including impacts to urban streams; Reductions of pollutants
identified in draft or completed Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs); and
Climate change impacts on water quality. Emphasis should be on activities
that demonstrate practical and efficient models that can be adapted to other
places in the San Francisco Bay region and across the country. Emphasis
should also be on supporting studies and demonstrations based on existing
resource protection plans, such as the SFEP Comprehensive Conservation and
Management Plan (CCMP) and local watershed plans. 
Proposals are due by August 25, 2008. Contact: Luisa Valiela,
<mailto:valiela.luisa at epa.gov> valiela.luisa at epa.gov, (415) 972-3400. 


SRF Enewsletter July 2008

In this eNewsletter you will find: 

*	3rd Annual Spring-run Chinook Symposium
*	11th Annual Coho Confab
*	SRF Central Coast Bioengineering Field School
*	27th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference
*	EPA Announces Two Watershed Funding Opportunities


3rd Annual Spring-run Chinook Symposium
July 10-12, Nevada City, CA

The Salmonid Restoration Federation's 3rd Annual Spring-run Chinook
Symposium will be held in Nevada City on July 10 followed by field tours on
the Yuba River and Butte Creek on July 11 and 12. Symposium presentations
include Ecological Perspectives on Spring-run Chinook salmon. Session topics
will highlight status of populations and specific recovery opportunities for
Central Valley Rivers, and recovery challenges including FERC relicensing,
climate change, and resurrecting the Klamath run. Afternoon panels will
representatives from DFG, NOAA Fisheries, SYRCL, State Water Board and
Conservation Groups will discuss recovery through habitat expansion, water
supply, and water quality improvements. Field tours will include a Yuba
River float, site visits to the Bear-River Feather Set-back Project by way
of the Lower Yuba, a Restoration thru Relicensing Driving Tour, Snorkeling
Investigations of the South Yuba River, and a Butte Creek tour of Spring-run
Fish Populations. To attend the symposium is $35 and each field tour day is
$50. Please call or email  <mailto:srf at calsalmon.org> srf at calsalmon.org or
call SYRCL at (530) 265-5961 if you are planning on camping and have not yet
registered to do so. There are also lots of great lodging options in the
Nevada City area including the Northern Queen that will honor the government
rate on weekdays and would be $99 on weekend nights. To make reservations,
please call (530) 265-5824 or visit
0&e=EeZgc1Kbku> www.northernqueeninn.com


11th Annual Coho Confab 
September 26-28, 2008 on the Smith River

The 11th Annual Coho Confab will be held on the South Fork of the Smith
River in the far northwestern corner of California. This dynamic event is
sponsored by Salmonid Restoration Federation, Trees Foundation, Smith River
Alliance, Smith River Advisory Council, and Cal Trout. Orientation
presentations will focus on fire ecology and fisheries, coho salmon
recovery, and the significance of the Mill Creek watershed acquisition in
protecting and restoring a salmon stronghold. This year's Confab will
feature restoration tours in the Mill Creek watershed, tributaries of the
South Fork, Yontucket Slough and the Smith River estuary. Randy Lew of
Pacific Watershed Associates will lead a tour of road decommissioning and
erosion control projects in Dominie and Rowdy Creeks. State Park geologist
Rocco Fiori will discuss experimental wood loading designs to enhance stream
function and salmonid habitats. A full-day tour of Mill Creek restoration
projects will include presentations by Dan Burgess of Rural Human Services
who will lead a tour of the native plant nursery for Mill Creek restoration,
Lathrope Leonard of Redwood National and State Parks will lead a forestry
tour focused on restoring late seral forests and Brian Merrill of California
State Parks will discuss backcountry road management in North Coast Redwoods
State Parks and rehabilitating watershed function.
Rod McLeod of the Mill Creek Monitoring Program will lead a hands-on
workshop assessing juvenile coho summer abundance estimation in Mill Creek.
Zack Larson, watershed coordinator of the Smith River Advisory Council, will
facilitate a Smith River fish identification workshop.
Antonio Llanos of Mike Love and Associates will lead a tour of fish passage
projects and will co-lead a tour of Yontocket Slough and the Smith River
estuary with Zack Larson, Watershed Coordinator for the Smith River Advisory
Council. Other workshops include instream fish identification, and
macro-invertebrate sampling and stream health assessment. There will be an
open forum entitled "Stories and Songs of Salmon" with native stories from
Frank Lake and river troubadour Alice di Micele. and there will be an open
forum and resource workshops. Saturday night will culminate with a wild
salmon feast, and a cabaret.
Advanced registration fees are $100 that includes all camping, food and
lodging. After September 5, registration is $125. For more information about
the Confab, please visit
0&e=EeZgc1Kbku> www.calsalmon.org or
8&e=EeZgc1Kbku> www.treesfoundation.org. To register online and obtain
logistical info please
1&e=EeZgc1Kbku> click here. To see the agenda or download a registration
form to fax or mail,
7&e=EeZgc1Kbku> click here. 



SRF Central Coast Bioengineering Field School
October 20-23, 2008 in the Santa Ynez Valley

SRF, with the support of the Department of Fish and Game, will sponsor a
Bioengineering Field School on the Central Coast. Instructor Evan Engber, of
Bioengineering Associates, will teach techniques to restore riparian
habitat, control erosion and stabilize banks. Participants will tour
projects in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties and learn how to
build willow matresses and live siltation baffles. Due to state budget
freezes for agency travel, SRF has selected a more affordable location to
host the field school. The dates are now October 20-23 at
9&e=EeZgc1Kbku> Camp Whittier. These are lodge accommodations with four to a
room. The fees for the course are $300 which includes all instruction,
materials, food and lodging. For more information, please see the
registration form at
6&e=EeZgc1Kbku> www.calsalmon.org. Additional lodging can be found in the
closest town of Solvang. The Solvang Gardens boutique hotel will honor the
government rate for participants. Please see their web site:
2&e=EeZgc1Kbku> www.solvanggardens.com/reservations.html.


Members subscribe through SRF website at www.calsalmon.org 

9&e=EeZgc1Kbku&c=aae9ae0480> Unsubscribe ewc at davidnesmith.com from this

Our mailing address is:
Salmonid Restoration Federation PO Box 784 Redway, CA 95560

Our telephone:
(707) 923-7501

Copyright (C) 2007 Salmonid Restoration Federation All rights reserved.

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