[env-trinity] DWR Rebuttal of Article on "Harvest of Cash" (Environmental Water Account)

Tom Stokely tstokely at trinityalps.net
Mon Aug 25 13:50:04 PDT 2008

Guest Commentary: Lester Snow

Article about water was misleading

Contra Costa Times – 8/22/08

By Lester Snow – Director, California Department of Water Resources

THIS IS REGARDING your Aug. 10 front-page story "Harvest of cash."


The Delta is declining, but this article distorts the truth about the causes and fails to recognize the governor's commitment to finding a solution. 


There are many Delta stressors, including invasive species, pollution, rising water temperatures and runoff. To assert that the environmental water program contributed to the fishery decline ignores the complexity of the issue.


Water purchases made under the Environmental Water Account were according to law and rules established in the CALFED Record of Decision. Operation of the account was assisted by public independent science reviews. 


Also, water deliveries did not exceed conditions in the federal biological opinions. They do not have a limit on Article 21 deliveries.

EWA met its water purchase goals. Fish agencies had enough water for the actions they thought were needed.


Purchases made by the EWA from south of Delta water users from 2001 to 2007 were from willing sellers who had stored water in water banks.


The purchase price compensated users for the costs of storing this water, maintaining the water bank facilities, and extracting the water.

The water bond proposed by Gov. Schwarzenegger and Sen. Dianne Feinstein will increase water reliability and conservation, reduce shortages and restore the Delta. #

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