[env-trinity] Salmonid Restoration Federation

Byron Leydecker bwl3 at comcast.net
Thu Sep 11 21:11:57 PDT 2008

Central Coast Bioengineering Field School October 6-9, 2008 in the Santa
Ynez Valley


SRF will host a Central Coast Bioengineering Field School October 6-9, 2008
in the Santa Ynez Valley. The course will include classroom instruction with
John McCullah of Salix Applied Earthcare who will teach techniques to
restore riparian habitat, control erosion and stabilize banks. Participants
will tour projects in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties and learn
how to build willow mattresses and live siltation baffles. 


Participants will tour Camp San Luis Obispo to see upland erosion control
where roads were improved and brush check dams installed to retain sediment.
We will also visit the San Luis Creek Project to view the stabilized creek
channel and banks where different methods were employed included willow
mattresses, coir biologs, and brush bank protection. 


San Luis Creek Project was implemented in 2001 to stabilize the creek
channel and banks by using a few different methods one of which was a willow
mattress that did not survive but is working nicely as brush bank
protection. Coir biologs were installed at the toe of one of the banks and
were designed to be undercut to provide steelhead habitat. A bank failure
after this project was completed was remedied using coir fabric filled with
soil and stacked like burritos up the bank and integrated willows into the
wall for added protection and cover. A good "learn-by-doing" story by Brian
Stark goes along with this project. Pennington Creek Project, implemented in
2001, stabilized 150 feet of nearly vertical creek bank by installing a
vegetated rock toe and willow mattress along with four rock wing deflectors
and three willow baffles.


We will brainstorm with the help of the instructor a "what would you do"
project on Acacia Creek. A small tributary to San Luis Creek that runs
alongside a road that is in danger of falling in. Participants will help
construct bioengineering projects at the Rancho La Vina work site. 


The course will be held at Camp Whittier near Santa Barbara. There are lodge
accommodations with four to a room. The fees for the course are $300 which
includes all instruction, materials, food and lodging. For more information,
please see the registration form on the SRF website: 


or you can register online at:



Thank you,


Francine Allen

Project Coordinator

Salmonid Restoration Federation

PO Box 784

Redway, California 95560

(707) 923-7501

francine at calsalmon.org



Byron Leydecker, JCT

Chair, Friends of Trinity River

PO Box 2327

Mill Valley, CA 94942-2327

415 383 4810

415 519 4810 cell

bwl3 at comcast.net

bleydecker at stanfordalumni.org (secondary)


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