[env-trinity] Westlands Water Supply this year

Joshua Allen trinityjosh at gmail.com
Wed Jun 10 10:18:35 PDT 2009

15.23 acre ft last chance water - $100 (Hanford)
Reply to: sale-pb9ap-1207220918 at craigslist.org<sale-pb9ap-1207220918 at craigslist.org?subject=15.23%20acre%20ft%20last%20chance%20water%20-%20%24100%20%28Hanford%29>
[Errors when replying to

Date: 2009-06-06, 9:03AM PDT

15.23 acre foot of last chance water for sale. $100 per acre foot.

   - Location: Hanford
   - it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial

PostingID: 1207220918


2009/6/9 Byron Leydecker <bwl3 at comcast.net>

>  From:
> http://blogs.edf.org/waterfront/2009/06/08/water-supply-improvements-in-the-san-joaquin-valley/
> Water supply improvements in the San Joaquin Valley
> June 8, 2009 | Posted by Spreck Rosekrans in Water Supply
> Spreck Rosekrans is an Economic Analyst at EDF.
> Anybody reading newspapers or watching television news over the last two
> months has heard frightening stories of water shortages that threaten the
> viability of agriculture in the San Joaquin Valley. But information compiled
> by the California Department of Water Resources reveals that in 2009 water
> supply in most parts of the valley will be in excess of 80% of average.
> Central Valley Project deliveries to Westlands Water District, for example,
> *were forecast to be zero* as recently as March.* Westlands now projects
> they expect to use 86% of average annual supplies this year.* Their total
> supply is a combination of deliveries from the Delta, water banked last
> year, groundwater pumping and purchases.
> The data, compiled last month by the Department of Water Resources and
> based on a series of interviews with staff from each of the districts, was
> attached to a letter from DWR Director Lester Snow to U.S. Senator Dianne
> Feinstein on May 15 . As the table notes, the information is subject to
> change.
> The information paints a very different picture for agriculture this year
> than we have seen reported this spring. The water shortages are much lower
> than previously reported. This year's supplies do, of course, rely on levels
> of groundwater pumping that would not be possible every year. Still, one can
> only conclude that the water supply situation is not as dire as previously
> reported and that San Joaquin Valley farms will still be able to grow food
> for our kitchen tables this year. **
> * *
> *Byron Leydecker**, JcT, Chair*
> *Friends of Trinity River*
> *PO Box** 2327*
> *Mill Valley**, CA 94942-2327*
> *415 383 4810 *
> *415 519 4810 cell*
> *bwl3 at comcast.net*
> *bleydecker at stanfordalumni.org*
> *www.fotr.org *
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