[env-trinity] agenda for TAMWG meeting Dec 14-15

Arnold Whitridge awhitridge at snowcrest.net
Thu Dec 10 10:59:13 PST 2009

Here's the proposed agenda for next week's meeting of the Trinity Adaptive Management Working Group.  It's still true: all TAMWG meetings are open to the public.

Arnold Whitridge, TAMWG chair
530 623-6688

Proposed Agenda 


Weaverville Victorian Inn large conference room, 1709 Main Street, Weaverville, CA 

Monday, December 14 and Tuesday, December 15, 2009



         Time           Presentation, Discussion, and/or Action on:                              Presenter        


Monday, December 14


1.       1:00 p.m.    Adopt agenda; approve September minutes

2.      1:10            Open forum; public comment

3.      1:20            Designated Federal Officer topics                                              Randy Brown


4.       1:30            TMC Chair topics/Executive Director's Report                       Brian Person, Mike Hamman  


5.       2:45            Channel rehabilitation program update                                     Jennifer Faler


6.       3:45            Watershed rehabilitation program                                             Bill Brock


7.       4:45            TRRP annual report development                                             Mike Hamman


          5:00            Adjourn for the day


Tuesday, December 15


8.       8:30 a.m.     2009 Water Year Update/ 2010 Water Year Planning              Mike Hamman

                                reservoir operations, river temperatures, flow scheduling           


9.       9:15            2011-2015 Budget Plan- principles, policies, numbers                   Mike Hamman


10.     10:00          Hatchery evaluation update                                                        Wade Sinnen,  Tom Weseloh

11.     10:30          Preliminary 2009 run size indications                                         Wade Sinnen


12.     11:00          Harvest allocation process; tribal harvest management            George Kautsky, HVT, and 

                                                                                                                                    Dave Hillemeier, Yurok Tribe

          Noon          Lunch


13.     1:00 p.m.    Klamath Dam Removal                                                               Troy Fletcher, Yurok Tribe


14.     2:00            State of TRRP, TAMWG role, TAMWG recommendations  Group

15.     4:45            Tentative date and agenda topics for next meeting

          5:00            Adjourn 
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