[env-trinity] TAMWG agenda for June 9

Arnold Whitridge awhitridge at snowcrest.net
Fri Jun 4 09:59:05 PDT 2010

Trinity River minders,   

Here's the agenda for next week's meeting of the Trinity Adaptive Management Working Group.  Any interested person may attend.

Arnold Whitridge, TAMWG chair
530 623-6688

Proposed Agenda 


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Trinity County Library, 211 Main Street, Weaverville, CA 



         Time           Presentation, Discussion, and/or Action on:                              Presenter        


1.       9:00            Adopt agenda; approve March minutes

2.      9:10            Open forum; public comment

3.      9:20            Designated Federal Officer topics                                             Randy Brown


4.       9:30            TMC Chair report                                                                      Brian Person


5.       10:00          Science program proposals and work plan                                Joe Polos         


6.       11:00          Proposed TRRP Budget for FY2011                                         Jennifer Faler


          12:30          lunch


7.       1:30            Possible late summer Klamath River flow augmentation         Ernie Clark


8.       2:15            Recreational lake-level concerns                                               Kelli Gant, TLRA


9.       3:00            Acting Executive Director's Report                                           Jennifer Faler


10.     3:30            TAMWG involvement in TRRP work groups                          


11.     4:00            TAMWG recommendations                                                        

12.     4:45            Tentative date and agenda topics for next meeting

          5:00            Adjourn 






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