[env-trinity] Delta RMP - Invitation to Review Draft Article for "Pulse of the Delta" by December 14th

Byron Leydecker bwl3 at comcast.net
Tue Nov 30 16:07:01 PST 2010

This is a message from the California Regional Water Quality Control Board,
Central Valley (5).


In January, the Delta RMP will publish the first edition of the Pulse of the
Delta report. The Pulse of the Delta 2011 will be the first communication
product for the emerging Delta RMP and will be modeled after the San
Francisco Bay RMP's Pulse of the Estuary. This document is intended to help
inform agency program managers, decision-makers, scientists, and the public.


The first issue will be framed around the theme of "Re-thinking Monitoring
in the Delta". It includes an opening article on the Contaminants Synthesis
Report produced by UC Davis, a management update on the Delta RMP, and
feature articles on ammonia, pyrethroids, and contaminants of emerging
concern (CECs). The topics reflect current management priorities of the
Regional Board and were discussed with stakeholders at various stakeholder


The text of the draft articles are attached to this email as one PDF
document for review by stakeholders. Please focus your review and comments
on the technical/science aspects.  General comments about the topics and
overall look, feel, and production of the document will be solicited upon
release of the final finished product.  


Please send comments by Tuesday, December 14, 2010 to Thomas Jabusch of the
Aquatic Science Center (thomasj at aquaticsciencecenter.org), and courtesy copy
Meghan Sullivan of the Central Valley Regional Water Board
(msullivan at waterboards.gov).  Any other questions can be directed to Meghan
Sullivan (see contact information below).


Thank you!



Thomas Jabusch

Aquatic Science Center




Meghan Sullivan

Environmental Scientist

Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board 11020 Sun Center Drive,
#200 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670-6114

(916) 464-4858

msullivan at waterboards.ca.gov



Byron Leydecker, JcT

Chair, Friends of Trinity River

PO Box 2327

Mill Valley, CA 94942-2327

415 383 4810 land

415 519 4810 mobile

 <mailto:bwl3 at comcast.net> bwl3 at comcast.net

 <mailto:bleydecker at stanfordalumni.org> bleydecker at stanfordalumni.org

 <http://fotr.org/> http://www.fotr.org 




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