[env-trinity] agenda for TAMWG meeting, Tuesday, December 14 in Redding

Arnold Whitridge awhitridge at snowcrest.net
Mon Dec 13 06:58:53 PST 2010

Here's the proposed agenda for this week's meeting of the Trinity Adaptive Management Working Group.  All TAMWG meetings are open to the public.

Arnold Whitridge, TAMWG chair
530 623-6688

Proposed Agenda 


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Redding City Library, 1100 Parkview, Redding, CA 



         Time           Presentation, Discussion, and/or Action on:                              Presenter        


1.       9:30            Adopt agenda; approve September minutes

2.      9:40            Open forum; public comment

3.      9:50            TMC Chair report                                                                      Brian Person


4.       10:30          Channel rehabilitation program                                                 Andreas Krause,  J. Faler        

                                Progress report, Phase II plan, design trends, design review


5.       11:30          Science program report                                                               Ernie Clarke

          12:30          lunch on site

6.       1:00            Central Valley Project Operations                                              Paul Fujitani, CVO

                                reservoir management, TRRP-CVO interaction


7.       2:00            FWS California Hatchery Scientific Review                             Jim Smith, FWS Red Bluff


8.       3:00            Acting Executive Director's Report                                            Jennifer Faler


9.       3:30            Designated Federal Officer topics                                               Randy Brown


10.     4:00            TAMWG involvement in TRRP work groups                          Jennifer Faler


11.     4:30            TAMWG recommendations                                                        

12.     4:50            Tentative date and agenda topics for next meeting

          5:00            Adjourn 






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