[env-trinity] Public Meeting Trinity River Wheel Gulch Channel Rehabilitation Project

Byron Leydecker bwl3 at comcast.net
Thu Feb 10 16:34:46 PST 2011

Reclamation News Release Header

Mid-Pacific Region

Sacramento, CA


Media Contact:  Pete Lucero, 916-978-5100, plucero at usbr.gov

For Release On:  February 10, 2011

Public Meeting Scheduled on the Trinity River Wheel Gulch Channel
Rehabilitation Project

The Bureau of Reclamation, the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control
Board (Regional Water Board) and the Trinity County Resource Conservation
District (TCRCD) will host a public meeting to present information and
receive comments on the Wheel Gulch Channel Rehabilitation Project
(Project). The Project is located on the mainstem Trinity River
approximately 3 miles downstream of Junction City, California.

The Project will work to increase salmon and steelhead habitat downstream of
Lewiston Dam, as described in the December 19, 2000, Record of Decision for
the Trinity River Mainstem Fishery Restoration Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS). The Project is planned to enhance aquatic habitat quality
and complexity by building slow water refuge habitats, placing structures
(e.g., large woody debris), and introducing gravel into the river's

 The meeting is scheduled for:

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

6-8 p.m.

North Fork Grange Hall

Dutch Creek Road, Junction City, California

An Environmental Assessment/Initial Study (EA/IS) for the "Wheel Gulch
Rehabilitation Site: Trinity River Mile 75.8 to 76.4," which meets National
Environmental Policy Act and California Environmental Quality Act
requirements, will be available for a 30-day public review starting
approximately February 14, 2011. The EA/IS will contain project specific
information that was unavailable when the Regional Water Board finalized the
Master Environmental Impact Report (Master EIR) for Trinity River Channel
Rehabilitation and Sediment Management at Phase 1 and Phase 2 sites, which
programmatically analyzes expected environmental impacts of Trinity River
channel restoration activities.

The EA/IS, as well as the Master EIR, will be available on the Trinity River
Restoration Program website www.trrp.net <http://www.trrp.net/>  by February
14, 2011. If you encounter problems accessing the documents online, please
call 916-978-5100 or e-mail mppublicaffairs at usbr.gov.  

For additional information or to receive a copy of the EA/IS, please contact
Brandt Gutermuth, Bureau of Reclamation, at 530-623-1800. Comments should be
sent to Mr. Gutermuth, Trinity River Restoration Program, P.O. Box 1300,
Weaverville, CA  96093 or e-mail bgutermuth at usbr.gov. 


Byron Leydecker, JcT

Chair, Friends of Trinity River

PO Box 2327

Mill Valley, CA 94942-2327

415 383 4810 land

415 519 4810 mobile

 <mailto:bwl3 at comcast.net> bwl3 at comcast.net

 <mailto:bleydecker at stanfordalumni.org> bleydecker at stanfordalumni.org

 <http://fotr.org/> http://www.fotr.org 




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